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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Well Rockstar is greedy so course they won't remove the options to buy currency with real money. I understand where you're coming from but I've already made peace with the fact that the Rockstar of today is a far different company than the one I grew up knowing. Both in terms of how they operate and how they support their games.
  2. Yeah, it had been rumored for a few years now since GTA 6 was first mentioned. Personally, I just want one that's well written - most of the female characters from prior GTAs were pretty bland compared to their male counterparts.
  3. I originally wanted to play Battlefield 2042 before its release but when I saw how poor the game was upon release, I immediately changed my mind and I don't intend on ever getting this game even if someone gave me a free key.
  4. Directly? It likely won't have an effect but if the game is entertaining enough, you could get the attention of a good number of modern gamers but will they be influenced to act? It hard to tell. Plenty of people play games like GTA and 99.9% will never try any of what they do in-game.
  5. You took the words right out of my mouth - I can remember far more side characters and quest from the Witcher 3 than I can remember from most of the other Elder Scrolls games and mind you, I've been playing Skyrim for more than a decade and almost every day at that.
  6. Doom Eternal is pretty chill at select moments but I wouldn't say the game is relaxing per say. Especially towards the end when you're being swarmed by hordes of demons.
  7. To be fair Susanoo in Okami isn't exactly a normal canine - I mean he's been blessed with Godly abilities. I think what @Kane99 was going for is something more along the lines of an animal simulator but making more entertaining. The trick with these games as a developer is how do you keep them from getting extremely repetitive? From what I learned, Stray does somewhat fall into this category.
  8. To be fair, Dark Souls games have always been challenging - I don't know anyone that can say they're easy and if they tell you that, they're lying through their teeth.
  9. I forgot to add Double Dragon at A Tier as well. A truly underrated fighting game and one that influenced many long after its release.
  10. I was literally just about to bring up the first Dark Souls game - the scaling is so extreme that you'll run into super powerful monsters going into the Catacombs that you have no hope of winning against.
  11. It's a game where you play from the perspective of a cat with a drone on its back - it can only grab your attention for so long. I quite like the graphics but running around as a cat with a droid on its back gets old pretty quickly. That's why I wasn't as keen about it as most of you were because I could just tell it was going to be a very boring experience.
  12. After the first playthrough, I skip all the dialogue in Skyrim because I know what the NPC is going to say. The modded quest are different especially if I've never played them before.
  13. That's perfectly acceptable - I mean, it's not exactly yours so you can't tell them what to do with their consoles. I don't see a problem with that - if it doesn't belong to you, you can't dictate whether or not someone is supposed to lend you their console.
  14. I have to agree here - pressing buttons like it's Guitar Hero I'm playing. I agree, you have to make certain elements clear cut because people like me will start doing all kinds of random stuff hoping for some kind of progression.
  15. I can understand the Telltale games such as the walking dead and although I don't play them, others like it and that's fine. Guitar hero would fall into this category as well and that's understandable. The part I hate is playing "action" games and I have to be pressing a whole bunch of buttons in a QTE like I'm playing Guitar hero or the Walking Dead.
  16. To be honest, I still do skip sometimes especially if the conversations aren't that interesting or the convo is extremely repetitive and boring.
  17. Since the early 90's - I've been gaming for about 3 decades, this year would make 3 decades.
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