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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Yeah you do have a point because boys do tend to be naturally more curious and end up finding porn. Now that I think about it, this porn thing just seems like poison for the mind and let me not even get started on Child Porn. Whoever or whatever came up with that shit deserves to be punished for eternity - what kind of a warped mind entertains something like this?
  2. So true especially when you have generations of pets just like how my current dogs are descendants of my labrador dog as a kid. They basically are apart of my family.
  3. You're the luckier one - my dogs always cost me an arm and a leg. My dogs have endless voids for stomachs - seriously, I feed them at least 3 times a day and yet if they see me with food, suddenly they start whinging and giving me the puppy eyes and they're persistent about it too.
  4. Yeah, neighbors are the only thing you can't really change at all. For the most part, I've always been blessed with pretty cool neighbors who'll even watch my place and call me if they see something suspicious even though I've never really asked them to or need them to since I have a security system.
  5. It's the same thing like people free climbing skyscrapers and other tall buildings without any safety equipment just to gain 5 seconds of fame.
  6. To be fair, it's not just the men nowadays - a growing number of women also have a warped perception of what men are supposed to be like in the bedroom because of porn. I know that there aren't any studies out there but I'd say that porn has ruined many kids because they get exposed to it from they are 7-8 when they haven't remotely developed enough maturity to know the difference between fantasy and reality. I see it all the time on social media sites such as Reddit and others where teens or young adults talk about being exposed to some porn ad at a very vulnerable age and they became hooked. The worst part is, these ads are everywhere. It's why a few young ladies claim that they have a rape fantasy but when they actually raped by a stranger and have to face the consequences, it traumatizes them for life. If it were up to me, the porn industry would get order 66.
  7. Perfectly understandable, as I do suffer a bit of PTSD from being a Customs Officer and I doubt I've come even remotely close to what you experienced in the Marines.
  8. Full Metal Jacket is a great war movie. I was trying to remember the name of this movie and I don't know why I was thinking Straight Metal Jacket was the name lol.
  9. I think I'm going to watch Thor: Love and Thunder when it's released in theatres in my country.
  10. This is a difficult as I'm only at season 3 but my favorite character would be Eleven just because of her character development throughout the series. She went from distrustful, timid and shy to a more selfless person. She's also strong as hell to be taking on inter-dimensional monsters.
  11. I have been binge watching Stranger things for the past couple of weeks and I liked the fight of Eleven vs Billy in season 3. I haven't gotten to season 4 as yet but it's a pretty good series.
  12. It's a media wide thing - games/movies/cartoons/comics of today lack any real identity. The just follow what works and don't really try to go against the grain.
  13. Schools are too busy turning kids into slaves to be genuinely concerned about their well-being.
  14. I've heard of that one before but I've never watched it either. I've also never watched "The Days Of Our Lives".
  15. Rambo A Bridge Too Far The Great Escape Platoon Apocalypse Now
  16. Zero Dark Thirty The Insider The Social Network The Woman In Gold Ray
  17. I could list so many but the one of the more memorable ones is from the Den Of Thieves with the traffic shootout scene which is the final scene in the movie.
  18. They usually have those during the World Cup and it's usually a load of fun.
  19. Seeing Neymar cry always warms my soul - I'm not sure why. It could be that he decided to be greedy and go to PSG where he's now in the shadow of Kylian Mbappe instead of Prime Messi and will never get his hands on the champions league as long as he's at PSG.
  20. Agreed but I have to admit some of the interruptions are hilarious like activists tying themselves to goalposts. If it were up to me, I'd let them stay there...
  21. As for who I think could have a longer career at the top - I'd say Messi because of his playmaking abilities and freekick skills.
  22. Honestly, after watching some NFL in recent times, American football is definitely tougher to play - just look at some of these hits:
  23. It is what it is - it's not like my dad was in the best of health to begin with especially in the last 6-7 years so I knew it was coming. Let's put it this way - while I do like track and field and was naturally good at it when I was actively training, It wasn't my passion unlike Usain Bolt.
  24. That's cool to hear - how's the channel coming along?
  25. But with everyone rejecting him, he can offer to terminate his contract by forgoing the rest of his remaining salary but of course he won't do that...500k a week? I don't think he would... It would be hilarious if Man United got relegated just to see his reaction.
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