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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Even someone like me who could run a marathon tomorrow despite not training for it find myself suffering a great deal of cramps after doing 90 minutes on a pitch. To be fair, I've experienced some nasty collisions/tackles/injuries while playing football.
  2. He does tend to overthink it a lot in cup games and use all kinds of bizarre tactics that may or may not work in the particular match. It can't be a Pep Guardiola moment without him overthinking stuff. It's just how he is...
  3. He'll probably do extremely well at Bayern and with him upfront and Gnarbry and Sane on either wing, they'll have a lot of pace in attack and with De Ligt in defense, he'll play some brilliant line-breaking passes from defense.
  4. You could take Real Madrid out of the competition for the next 30 years and nobody still would catch up to their 14 wins. On another note, I do think they've done a good job strengthening their team just like Barcelona with the acquisitions of Rudiger and Aurélien Tchouameni. If they could find a competent back up to Karim Benzema, they'd be set for this window. Also, it looks like Hazard has finally started to take his training regimen more seriously so let's see if he can finally make an impact this season.
  5. Fair enough especially with the merchandise that the fans wear.
  6. The fact that club football will be hiatus throughout the whole thing is even more bizarre. I don't want PSG to win it and it's because they're just a financial duped up club that has barely any history but always act like they're some big club like Barcelona when they're not even bigger than Lyon or Marsielle who have won the Champions league before.
  7. I think that had more to do with the financial situation Arsenal found themselves in at the time with the Emirates Stadium so they had to sell off their players to help pay for the stadium debt.
  8. I would like an upset at the World Cup but if history is anything to go by, African teams don't usually get any further than the quarterfinals but with the World Cup being played in Qatar with such heat, it may just favor them as Europeans aren't used to such extreme heat.
  9. Ironically that's the only time since 2008 that someone else other than Messi or Ronaldo ever won it which is amazing to say the least. Win the UCL with PSG? PSG is going to continue to bottle it in Europe every year long after he leaves PSG in 3 years time. He should've gone to Real Madrid if he wanted to win the UCL instead of signing a new contract at PSG.
  10. Difficult to say - a lot of factors can affect how far a team can reach in a cup competition. For all we know, they could face a repeat of the 20/21 season where most of their defensive players were injured so they didn't do that well in Champions League.
  11. Actually I believe the correct fee is 100m euros or 88m pounds? (that's about what it came up to) which is a lot for a midfielder but considering that Real Madrid just won the Champions League, they'll have a huge cash injection in addition to them spending more wisely over the past 5+ years, they can afford to spend all of that on one player. PSG do have a sensible Sporting Director in Luis Campos now so I doubt they'll do that again - I mean, they won't even fork up 58m for Skriniar from Inter Milan and it's not like they don't have it. But you're right, who knows? Some ultra rich billionaire could buy out some club in Europe and do that again to make a "statement" signing.
  12. People underestimate the importance of maintaining a healthy dressing room free of uncommitted players. Just look what Arteta did with Ozil and Aubameyang - sure, it might cost you quite a bit in the short term but the long-term benefits are too much to ignore. It's been the first in ages since I've seen their club show so much togetherness in terms of the players, staff and fans. All I know is that if he's still there when the season starts, it'll continue to create a toxic atmosphere around Manchester United. The best thing they can do is terminate his contract and let him leave on a free. Keeping uncommitted players in the dressing room inadvertently affects the performance of the team on the pitch.
  13. The problem is that most people are extremely addicted to it without realizing. Just ask one of them to not watch it for a few days and most if not all would break within a few hours. The other thing is that they tend to confuse porn with reality which isn't how normal relationships work between two people. On a related note, Social Media while having it's perks in terms of business, has become such a toxic medium and most people will do anything for 5 secs of internet fame. I mean, you have people literally eating their own shit online for clout.
  14. That's what should happen but the issue is that a lot of those same weirdos are super wealthy and powerful people like Jeffery Epstein who has a lot of huge contacts so they'll likely get away with things like this unfortunately. You should follow your dreams as @The Blackangel said. If you really have a knack for something, you should go for it - My parents gave me a lot of stick over certain decisions in my life but I never cared because those same decisions is what got me to a point in life where I'm quite comfortable as opposed to being stuck in a dead-end job being some slave for the government or some other organization.
  15. I don't think I've ever had the Pepper Soup Instant Noodles - I'm definitely looking it up because I love spicy food.
  16. Well, that's good to know. Speaking of, how much food do your rats consume daily?
  17. Renting apartments can be a pain if you have terrible neighbors and it's not a bad idea to move back in with your parents and save on some of the expenses.
  18. Dogs tend to be some of the easiest pets you can get along with and easiest to gain their trust with some food. Birds tend to be very picky so that's a good sign that the bird does trust you, horses are even worse. I've always wanted a horse but they're easily excitable and will accidentally bite/injure you if they get too nervous. I know @The Blackangel made a detailed post about rats but I'm not entirely sure what their temperament is like because the one person who I know has a pet rat bites everyone else except her if you try to hold it.
  19. That's a vaild point and in addition to that, it helps to protect your belongings when you're away from home.
  20. Yeah, there are numerous videos of people hitting their head on hard surfaces and dying which is sad because of a stupid trend.
  21. Same here, I'm in my early 30's but most think I'm in my early to mid 20's and if I shave my facial hair off, they'd think I was around 18 lol.
  22. Exactly - this is the reason I don't like to get involved in people's affairs because some just never want to hear the truth.
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