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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Me and my friends finally got Skyrim together Reborn to work but the multiplayer modded even though improved, is still quite a glitchy mess but we did have some fun though.
  2. Honestly, it's kinda laggy and needs lots of setup among other things. We tried a pretty lightly modded setup for our server but the game was still a glitchy mess and is it resource intensive so I think I'll make the creators of this mod do some more work on it before we attempt to use it for a playthrough.
  3. This scene was surreal just because of how much King Jircniv was panicking when he saw Ainz.
  4. It's not just Disney to be fair, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon and the others have all been guilty of dropping their standards as well.
  5. Well, whether we like it or not, these things are happening every day. As long as you have your Jeffery Epsteins, Jared Fogles, R. Kellys and EDP445s out here, these things will continue to happen despite the amount of technology. Parents need to pay far more attention to who their kids are hanging around - some parents should have no business raising kids.
  6. That was the truth until Crypto crashed - since then, the price of GPU's and other components have fallen drastically and everything is a lot more affordable now.
  7. You're not wrong but when I played Castlevania on it for instance and wanted to cast the spells, sometimes, the touch didn't register at times and it really annoyed me.
  8. Kingdom Hearts is a good shout as well - It's not like I despise the series. The gameplay is fun at times but the story is so complex - I'd have a better chance of beating a computer at chess that figuring out Kingdom Heart's story. It's all over the place...
  9. "Arrogance, daring to go beyond the limits imposed upon us, that is exactly what makes us human beings."
  10. I'd like Capcom to take Castlevania, Silent Hill and Metal Gear from Konami because quite frankly, Konami isn't really interested in making videogames and instead make gambling machines for Casinos and these are three IPs with loads of potential and huge fanbases.
  11. EA tends to do this a lot - I've seen them do this in Fifa multiple times. Remove features only to re-add them a couple years later and call it a "revolutionary new feature". For other companies, there are various factors at work which may include: the way the game is coded.
  12. If there's a great deal ( which happens rarely) I'll definitely buy it but I think I've only done that a handful of times if I'm being honest.
  13. Absolutely not my male dog Rex. He'll always want my attention. On the other hand, Lassie will just sit behind me and watch me game without making a sound but I don't usually allow them into my gaming room anyways.
  14. Another honest addition - Halo. They've been consistently removing features from the more recent games every game and it honestly annoys the hell out of me.
  15. The first time I saw this in-game, I laughed for 15 minutes straight.
  16. I was just thinking about Second Life and confusing it with Afterlife but the thing with Second Life is that it's a bit too time-consuming for my taste. I remembered Playboy the Mansion as well but I've also never played it but if I had to guess you'll probably have pictures of some of the Playboy models at the time in-game.
  17. Due to the greed of the companies involved, most of what you're asking for will never become a reality. Nintendo is so protective of their assets that they'd never want to port their games to PC. Everything must stay on their platform only.
  18. The said the trigger words: Live service game and this is EA we're talking about - this is going to fail miserably and you know EA is going to screw themselves over. It's their way of operating.
  19. I do enjoy both as well but when my team is losing, I'd much rather be on the pitch to try and make a difference.
  20. I forgot to add Barcelona and Liverpool.
  21. Perfectly understandable - I have a security system where I live as well and it's a slight additional cost but it's totally worth it.
  22. I'm definitely telling my friend but first I'd record some evidence using my phone so that the accused cannot lie about it or try to manipulate my friend. As a matter of fact, I've done this before but my former friend chose to believe his cheating gf than me and stopped talking to me but then caught her himself a few months later and then tried to apologize to me but I wasn't interested in hearing it.
  23. I think this is a proper response to that line... That sounds like something Jeffery Epstein or Jared Fogle would say. But then again, J.K. Rowling always been known to say some pretty controversial stuff.
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