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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I love the cup ramen noodles and my favorite flavor is the roast chicken one although I do like almost every flavor.
  2. I also liked this because I despise PSG as well. Just to see them fall apart again in the finals made me day.
  3. Brazil? - yes, Argentina? - not so much. The reason I say it is that most times, the Argentinian players always let down Messi. Di Maria, Higuain and so many other talented players have all underperformed when it mattered and Messi cannot always bail them out as he's lost a good deal bit of his pace and stamina. I know that they won Copa America last year but realistically, only Brazil, Argentina and maybe Uruguay and Colombia are what could be considered top teams. The rest are trash - let's be honest.
  4. You could be right - but remembering my youthful days playing without the offside rule, there used to be some 9-0s among other stuff.
  5. But you called me a sexist the other day just because I found women's football boring when I never said anything about any other women's sport so that makes you also a liar. Don't throw stones in a glass house.
  6. You seem to be the one with problems mate and all I said women's football is boring to me because the women aren't aggressive enough and that's my opinion. In the 70's and 80's, recreational drugs were used during sexual encounters in US culture and it was a very common practice back then because even my mother told me about it because she used to live in the US in the 70's. Furthermore, when you heard the testimonies of the 3 women in question, their stories kept changing but they prosecuted him anyways without following due diligence. You've never heard me defend R. Kelly, Harvey Weinstein and Epstein even once because they're sexual predators and they deserved what they got. Next, you'll sit here and say Amber Heard is innocent and Johnny Depp deserves what he got. I might like a TV personality for their performances but I don't worship stars like you people do. Next thing you'll also say is Michael Jackson is guilty of molesting those kids when there has never been any evidence of this. I don't have a problem with women - I just hate that the ones that'll wilfully lie on men because of their own personal agenda and then get away scotch free without any charges whatsoever.
  7. I just loved this scene where Hisagi releases his shikai and the captains sensing his spiritual pressure.
  8. I agree with @Heatman, not going to church doesn't make you a pagan. Once you walk the right path, you still are a Christian. Do you know how many people I know of that go to church regularly but are some of the wickedest people I've ever come across?
  9. Skyrim Together Reborn looks so promising - it's a shame me and a few of my friends never got it to work this morning but we'll try again over the weekend because it is certainly a groundbreaking mod.
  10. Me and a few of my friends were trying to get Skyrim together reborn functioning this morning but to no avail but we'll try again later.
  11. In due time it will and the few available versions of those consoles will be worth millions one day.
  12. It's okay but honestly, it just seemed more like a gimmick than anything else and at times, it tended not function properly so that made me not like it as much.
  13. I'd starting going again if they actually had something I wanted to watch in theaters but Netflix and others have me covered.
  14. I can't disagree - I remember it was my first year of high school and I came home early that day because I had food poisoning and I was watch NBC and it was showing the 9/11 tragedy live. It was so surreal and then seeing the aftermath of the people stuck on the higher levels of the twin towers and jumping to their deaths really hit home.
  15. Here are a few others I remembered: The Wild Thornberrys Invader Zim CatDog Cow & Chicken Two Stupid Dogs Pinky and the Brain Animaniacs Modern day cartoons will never reach the iconic levels of the older cartoons.
  16. I don't think that was united - if I remember correctly that was actually liverpool. Man United were in the 2021 Europa League final with Villareal and lost on penalties.
  17. But his agent Jorge Mendes has been offering him to almost every big team you can think of and everyone has rejected signing Ronaldo because of the fees involved for a 37 year old who's slowly declining.
  18. Same and it's such a shame because he could've gone to so many other top teams that would've cultivated his talent properly but instead, he's likely to leave.
  19. I'm pretty sure those fighters will have so many long-term arm and shoulder injuries just because the arm and shoulder is being pulled in all kinds of unnatural directions by each fighter.
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