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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. My dad gave me his name and because my dad is a relatively known musician over the past three and a half decades in my country, when I go most places, people instantly know how I am and quite frankly it's annoying lol.
  2. I changed my mind on trying to buy an EVO X. I've always wanted one and could have gotten one for a reasonable price but between the maintenance cost of gas, oil and servicing this vehicle, My Lexus is far cheaper to maintain and with the exorbitant gas prices nowadays, I'd much rather keep my Lexus.
  3. I was looking up two girls one cup and VGR just happened to be listed as one of the "porn" sites that had this video. It turns out I was clickbaited by Google. Curse you Google! Before anyone says anything, I was just kidding about the first sentence and whatever you do, don't look up Two Girls One Cup. My former guildmate baited me into that one... In all honestly, I'm not sure - I'm a bit of a wanderer online and I find myself on all kinds of sites and forums. I just liked it here because it wasn't as toxic as the others and I was tired of hearing people argue over some of the most petty things and toxic moderators.
  4. And that probably the main reason I haven't been back to Texas. Seriously, why is it so hot in the summer? Florida is also just as bad but at least depending on where you live you can go to the beach. I remember while staying with my aunt that lived in Texas, we had to have the A/C on the coldest temperature just to stay cool in her house. When I stepped outside the first time after coming out the airport, I swear I entered the pits of hell lol.
  5. I do a lot of things differently, I just like to add my personal touch to everything if possible. For instance, when cracking boiled eggs, I smash them against my forehead gently to crack them.
  6. To be fair, Banter especially the harmless kind doesn't bother me that much especially when it comes to me. I grew up in a community where banter was so commonplace, even your own parents started chipping in.
  7. To be fair, that can also go for Ubisoft, Activision, Take Two Interactive and EA.
  8. 🤢🤢🤮🤮 If I were you, I'd wear a hazmat suit around those people because they're just oozing with toxic waste. Who washes their face with their own piss willingly?! He probably should try throwing some soap on them and hosing them down with water. I bet they'd react like slugs when you use salt on them.
  9. I agree - I'll continue to watch animes/cartoons as long as I have breath. After all, some of these same people watch porn all the time and I don't hear anyone saying anything about it.
  10. It all makes sense now - I didn't know you lived in Nigeria. I have heard about the corrupt justice system there and all the extra judicial killings. Not to mention a good portion of the force on the payroll of high-profile criminals.
  11. I've started to take up my old role as a good samaritan in GTA V Online helping newbies and protecting others from the griefers and tryhards plaguing the lobbies. Of course I can't do much against modders but I can at least annoy the hell out of them.
  12. I'm going to look up episodes of it since I've never seen it before.
  13. I loved that one but the one that always cracks me up is this one:
  14. Played some Skyrim and Fallout 4 today.
  15. When Aizen completely wrecked the Gotei 13 was very iconic. Not to mention how he totally destroyed them mentally as well.
  16. Don't forget Icarly as well and yeah, I used to watch Nickelodeon a lot.
  17. Watching anime - most women and older people I know are like I'm too old to be watching those but I don't really care what people have to say about it because they did teach me a lot of lessons growing up. There's nothing wrong with that - sometimes, you do need to separate yourself from others so that you can do some self-reflection. Learning to appreciate your own company is something that Buddha and others allude to as a way to find yourself. I'd argue that always wanting to be around people is unhealthy and indicates some kind of deeper issue.
  18. Same - I've watched it at least 20 times and I never do get tired of it.
  19. Can't believe I forgot about that one as I always watched it on Nickelodeon.
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