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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Well the NFT market is more or less dead so they'll just continue to lose more money. I sincerely hope they go bust - I love Final Fantasy but Square Enix can go to hell. As for what will happen to Tomb Raider and Deus Ex - we'll just have to wait and see because Square Enix has been neglecting these two franchises for years.
  2. The fact that they had the nerve to basically rip off the Gamecube logo already had red flags written over it for me. As a matter of fact, from they said NFT game console, it's dead to me already.
  3. My sentiments exactly and with how Ubisoft has been in recent times, things are definitely not looking good right now. I'm going to say that I have zero expectations of this game doing any better than that Live service game Ubisoft released recently that died a swift death.
  4. I do remember you and @Shagger and a few others were discussing this game. I've never played it myself but I don't mind checking it out once I can get it for a reasonable price upon release.
  5. I'm happy that it's not too far away and I hope we don't get any delays either.
  6. The online game is a separate entity from RDR2 and while it does have major flaws, it can be quite fun if you're into roleplaying old Western-style shootouts among other things. Not as fun as the main game but is good fun with friends.
  7. Sad day indeed - Duel monsters was one of my favorite morning animes/cartoons to watch as a teen.
  8. There are so many things to factor that drawing such a conclusion with the limited info we have right now is pointless. It could also just as easily fade into obscurity for all we know. Until we get some kind of official announcement, I'd hold off on drawing any conclusions as to the future of this demo.
  9. I like how Deep-Eyes looked like it was coming from another dimension.
  10. When I was a child, I used to believe most movie actors did their own stunts but it turns out it's less than 3% of them actually do.
  11. Cowboy Bebop is definitely a shout but i also love Lupin the 3rd intro is also very iconic.
  12. Movies are nice but I can only sit through 2 movies at most before I'm completely bored and I've never watched TV for more than 2-3 hours at a time.
  13. Agreed and even though VR has its own set of problems, it's still a more enticing option than 3D TV's. That's true - Virtual Reality/Augmented reality has long surpassed the limits of 3D tech.
  14. Screw my answer earlier - "Sonic schoolhouse" on PC in the mid 90's is the strangest game I've ever played and that's by a long shot. Sonic throughout the whole game sounds annoying with a high-pitched voice and it was an educational game.
  15. I know - I love extremely difficult games and that's why I have taken a liking to Dark Souls games as well as Elden Ring. They don't afford you the luxury of relaxing for even one second.
  16. On another note, some of the generic brand names are funny as hell. For instance, in China you have OFC that is directly ripping off KFC with a nearly identical menu. However, no one can swear for the quality of the food.
  17. Nope - it will not as long as Sega owns it and that's because they have consistently mishandled the franchise since the first set of Sonic games. They constantly make all kinds of weird Sonic games such as Sonic the fighters and Sonic and the Black Knight.
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