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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I'm good actually, I normally get 5-7 hours of sleep anyways and function perfectly fine throughout the day so it's not that big of a deal.
  2. Rocket League is definitely my pick and that because it's easy to get into. Just learn the controls and do a bit of practice and you're basically set.
  3. Vice City definitely had some hilarious moments with Tommy Vercetti and Sonny Forelli.
  4. I also had a friend who died from the after effects of the vaccine - she was perfectly healthy before but suffered complications after getting it. I want something that's proven to work - not some experimental drug that the media claims to work but in reality has hidden issues that they won't make public.
  5. To be fair, having kids without any planning for their future is very irresponsible and that's why we see lots of kids growing up in broken homes nowadays. I want to have kids someday but not when my life isn't completely stable as I don't want my kid going through the same things I did growing up.
  6. To be fair, they aren't mutually exclusive. You can do both in the mornings - at least that's what I do.
  7. I have many Steam games that I still haven't played either...
  8. You could just get an international shipping service. For instance, I have Aeropost in my side of the world that provides you with an address in the US so I can send the stuff I buy online there and ship it to my country for very affordable prices.
  9. And forcing you to get the vaccine just to enter their borders. A vaccine that's proven to be only 3% more effective at stopping you from getting Covid than if you didn't take a dose.
  10. My focus is actually trying to sleep and if I pick up my phone during that time, I might stay up till the next morning so I just lie in bed instead.
  11. I know but it's just cool to imagine.
  12. I kinda disagree with the last part of your comment - I don't think it unites people at all and the judging is usually very biased as well.
  13. For me, it's Dave Chappelle because I'm curious as to how he comes up with some of his jokes. Donald Trump would be very entertaining to hear as I'd probably hear him monologuing about making America great again.
  14. I'd rather look old but feel young but as I am now, I'm closer to the former 🤣🤣🤣
  15. When I was a kid, I used to play with lots of Legos and one of the things I made from my lego sets was Megatron from transformers: Robots In Disguise. My friends at the time couldn't believe it either because it looked pretty identical to the actual character.
  16. That's so true - I'd be thinking up all kinds of ill that person could be planning just because I don't trust them so there'd be no form of friendship there.
  17. How did your relatives find you in the end? Or was it some strangers that helped you?
  18. Some people are so sex-crazed that they'll do anything for sex and will forgo their needs for sexual pleasure. As for the last part of your statement, that's a myth and I can confirm that because I've fasted for 21 days before on nothing but water and I was perfectly fine.
  19. Same here - I've also been with them since 2015 and their service has been extremely reliable.
  20. I don't have an obsession with being clean per say but I just prefer my place to always be clean and I can find most things. I don't like living in a pigsty with stuff being covered under a mountain of dirty close. The floor in my house looking like a sandy beach - it's disgusting.
  21. It's true - when I'm in Florida, the sun saps your energy within half an hour and the place is just so freaking hot during the summer. Unless you have the AC turned up, it feels like a sauna inside.
  22. That's how I approach it as well - I tend to stay as far as possible from toxic people because they bring nothing positive to your life or what you're trying to achieve and most times, they don't bring anything but drama to the workplace as well.
  23. Some do warrant their fame and price due to the quality but others are just way too overpriced and overhyped for what they offer. For instance, Hostess cakes are really tasty - However, the generic brand tastes as good if not better than them.
  24. It's what our ancestors used to do - it's the modern lifestyle that has made most people choose a routine way of life.
  25. It's true - I do make scheduled time for the people that I care about so that they can have my undivided attention but when I'm working, I try my best to stay focused.
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