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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Over the long term - I still think so. It's just that Crypto like everything else, is being affected by inflation and other factors around the world. The thing is, the SEC in the US hasn't done anything to Bitconnect or any of the other scammers in the Crypto space as of now.
  2. As I said, most of those people were friends with me from we were kids so there's a lot loyalty there and they've always looked out for me or try to support me in any way they can. As for the pregnant cat, you're probably right - she's been using my yard as a maternity ward. She's lucky I'm not mean to animals.
  3. I've been doing it since 2014 and it's been awesome. No more toxic workplaces with petty co-workers who care more about other people's personal life than actually doing their job properly.
  4. That's a valid point - a lot of people talk tough online because 9/10 there isn't any chance of being physically harmed but 20 years ago, they'd have shut their mouth because the consequences could be fatal.
  5. That's a pretty valid point - without the ability to read, you basically can't interact with the world in any meaningful way.
  6. I've always loved motorcycles and have owned two. Well, one was given to me by my brother before he migrated to the US in the early 2000s. I have so far only had one incident where I was knocked off my bike while riding at 20 mph (mind you, that's the slowest I've ever ridden a bike at that point). I also started getting harassed by cops so I sold my second motorcycle. In the future, I might get another one but I want an RR or something like - one that's extremely fast.
  7. killamch89


    I have relatives who own a farm including an aggressive bee hive (only person that hasn't been stung by any of the bees so far is me) and they raise all kinds of animals such as chickens, cows, goats, pigs and donkeys.
  8. I've been playing the online game a bit recently and I must say that it has improved quite a bit since its original launch. I even got into a classic western duel in Valentine. We even did ten paces on top of it like the old western movies.
  9. This is so difficult as I love so many but I'd choose Fighter for Iron Blooded Orphans season 2:
  10. You're also forgetting Captain Planet and Johnny Quest as well. Those were some iconic ones as well.
  11. Final Fantasy Record Keeper
  12. You know, that was my next guess especially LA - it's hot as hell there in the summer. Which part of Cali do you live?
  13. I haven't really played Far Cry 6 as yet but I'll get around to it soon. Although it got pretty mediocre ratings, this is still somewhat of an iconic series for me and I must play this game.
  14. I'm 33 and I feel the same - Have I really been gaming for 30 years of my life?
  15. Even though this one is outdated, I find myself saying "back in my days" like some seasoned World War 2 veteran currently living in a retirement home.🤣
  16. It's such a simplistic and hilarious concept of a game but very genius as well.
  17. That's true - I mean, I myself grew up with my parents arguing everyday and didn't have many good influences around me but I still turned into a decent citizen. I could've gone down the same path as many other people that were in my life at the time and turn to a life of crime but I always said it was stupid because most of them ended up dead/ missing/ in prison both local and in US prisons.
  18. Well, you are spot on there but there are others who don't perceive it as such and unfortunately, there aren't ready-made systems to help these people.
  19. I'd probably be doing a lot of outdoor activities like Jet Skiing, in-line skating, mountain biking - maybe even skydiving (might try this one day). Or maybe I'd continue with track and field and playing football like I did in high school but I'd take one of them more seriously.
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