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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. There was also that Bitconnect coin that was about in the early days on Crypto around 2017 and coin at one point was about $500 but once it was discovered that the whole thing was a ponzi scheme, the coin became worthless within a week. I do believe the Crypto world needs some kind of regulation on such entities. I just don't want the corrupt banks to be in charge of it.
  2. You do have a point - they could still go through with it and then put the child up for adoption. I'm kind of looking at it from the perspective that if the kid grows up and finds out that they were brought about by rape/sexual assault, the kid could harbor feelings of guilt throughout their entire lives and might very well try to end themselves. I'm looking on the long-term effects mentally on both the mother that was raped and the kid who's brought about by that incident.
  3. I agree the Gamecube controller was alright in my opinion but the WII remote is stupid as hell. To top it all off, the Wii remote was quite fragile, after a few drops, it started to malfunction and at the time, they were more on the pricey side as well.
  4. I do my research before investing in anything Crypto but as a general rule for me, anything that sounds too good to be true, I just don't fool around with it. I nearly invested in things like the Anchor protocol and Celsius but I decided against it and both have gone bust this year with people losing millions of dollars. I'm curious as to why the creator of such scam tokens aren't facing fraud charges.
  5. Abortion in cases of rape/ sexual assault should be made legal. However, voluntarily aborting kids because you couldn't control yourself when there are so many birth control methods around is a whole different story.
  6. I primarily stick with BTC, ETH and Monero along with BNB and things on the Binance chain like BUSD. Besides DEFI on the Binance chain, I don't really purchase any other Altcoins because many of them always end up like Luna.
  7. I don't either but we've seen Nintendo do this a number of times - they either shut down the fan-made game or threaten to sue. As a matter of fact, Nintendo is the only company that I remember in recent history that consistently does this.
  8. Maybe I should put that I lie awake in bed for about 2 hours as the last thing I do at nights.
  9. I agree - getting outbit on Ebay always annoy me and it's usually in the last seconds that they put in their bid as well complete catching you off-guard. On another note, Jehovah's Witnesses are annoying as hell.
  10. So no security systems or alligator pits for intruders? By the way, if nobody knew what I was referencing, it's from Austin Powers:
  11. You two were talking about most cherished things things when we were talking about most recommended appliances - that's basically like starting a whole new convo. Meanwhile, sex dolls are related to what I said earlier. If you or @Clasher don't understand the difference, you need to brush up on your English. It's not a personal attack so no need to feel offended. On another note, I agree that new ideas are need to freshen up a particular topic but I don't want Shagger to close another thread because it's gone way off topic. Just as a tip, make sure what your posting relates to what the original thread asked or a point in relation to that original comment.
  12. On another note @DC, do dogs count? Or the stray cat that shows up when she's pregnant and needs food?
  13. We weren't really off topic - it has to do with two items that go together.
  14. Sumo and Grammarly are my personal picks with Sumo being very versatile and powerful while Grammarly ensures your grammar while blogging is spotless.
  15. It seems like the cost of Bitcoin is just lingering at $20,000 - also to note, Celsius and other DEFI platforms have gone under because they're unable to pay investors. I'm so glad I didn't invest in their platform because I saw something like this coming.
  16. It was fun to go to Blockbusters to rent games though and also sell your old movies you didn't want.
  17. I'd say Sharks with freaking lasers attached to their heads - who wouldn't want that? In all seriousness, I'd probably want extra high walls so that neighbors can't be peering into yard.
  18. It's really kind of vain in my opinion and they get all this promo and sponsorship for looking good when I've seen plenty of way better looking women in everyday life. Honestly, I don't care for it at all.
  19. It must be my age but I am really starting to sound like my parents - well since my late 20s I've started to sound like them...
  20. That does sound scary - You'd have to be extra cautious around everything as it's expensive and time-consuming to replace. I'd probably be extra cautious about every step I took in that place and wouldn't lean against anything.
  21. That's a good shout actually and it's the same thing with the children's area of a hospital because kids and the elderly are most suspectible to Covid.
  22. We're talking about the most recommended products not your most cherished. Can we please stay on topic?
  23. The part that annoys me is that they want you to be awake when they're awake and they won't stop until I get up lol. Take Lassie for instance, the first thing she does when she realises I'm sleeping is to start hitting my foot with her paw. When that doesn't work she starts licking my feet until I wake up.
  24. Walking away is definitely a great option - As for me, I learned to just tune out everyone so you can be yelling in my ears and I still won't hear you or won't really care what you're saying.
  25. That's even worse - I'd be stuck at the base of the mountain 🤣
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