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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. It's probably one of the most underrated consoles of all time. It was poor marketing puls poor timing that made it fail as they released this shortly before the PS2 was scheduled to drop and it didn't do as well as it should. Games like Crazy Taxi and Soul Calibur are must-plays for this console.
  2. I'm a PC gamer so of course I'd choose a high-end gaming desktop. That being said, once I build mine, I'm going for a PS5.
  3. There's also some murmurs that certain authorative organizations are looking into the deal as well (not sure what they're looking for and not sure what will happen if they find what they're looking for so I doubt this will affect the deal that much) so that might also hold it up.
  4. This is a great question - the reasons I play video games are as follows: It's a hobby that I've been doing since I was kid and I still love so I play it It helps me to think about complex problems (seriously, I've come up with some pretty good solutions to real-life issues while gaming) Helps me to take my mind off the real world and helps me to de-stress.
  5. A few of them I could use because I had the games and some of them were pretty useful to be fair. Others were for PC games and I was mainly into consoles at the time.
  6. You're right - Goat Simulator games are hilarious, I'm not going to lie. Some of the animations are downright hilarious!
  7. And here I was thinking nothing could top the N64 or those custom SNES controllers with extra buttons and switches which had no real use. The number of buttons is makng me flustered lol.
  8. I agree - we got games like Viewtiful Joe, Need For Speed Most Wanted, Chronicles of Riddick, Half-Life 2, GTA San Andreas and whole host of bangers in that period in the early 2000s. Gaming has massively fell off since that period.
  9. Parappa the rapper has to be the strangest game of all time - it's such a bizarre game all around in terms of art style and gameplay mechanics. It still puzzles me until this day why it had an actual fanbase when I was growing up.
  10. Spec Ops the Line is my favorite experience because the game made you believe that you're the hero up to a point until you bomb a much of people with white phosphorus bombs and you keep going down that dark path. It's not until you realize the guy you were chasing the entire time had been dead for years that you realize that your character was the villain all along.
  11. In a MMORPG called Age Of Wushu, I was just joining clans and being a troll by start fights with other powerful clans and one of the other clans showed up to wipe out the clan I was in. I ducked into a nearby store and it just so happened that my clothing matched the shelves of the store. The enemy players checked the store and didn't see me even when they were right beside me.
  12. Rocket League and that's simply because it's so easy to pick up and play that even when I haven't played it for weeks, I can just start it up and immediately get into a game without having to learn a bunch of technical stuff.
  13. If I'm able to make a decision on it, I play at the hardest level and I find that it makes me improve a lot faster to become a skillful player myself. I love the challenge and hate being babied in games.
  14. That absolute sucks - I'd be annoyed too if that happened to me.
  15. Everyone has different sleeping habits - for instance, I can function on only 5 hours of sleep while I know people who can't go without 7-8 hours.
  16. I know but that's when you have lots of free time. I don't have that kind of time in any given day.
  17. Thought as much - I went to Dubai once and it was hot as hell.
  18. Wait - So you do use a blow up doll? I was kidding because in reality I don't watch Porn at all. I just knew some guys that actually have those and were discussing it. Nothing but the real thing satisfies me...
  19. If you're talking true friends, I'd say about 20 which include my friends from prep school days and who I grew up with. In terms of acquaintances - I have plenty of those.
  20. I remember renting movies and videogames at Blockbuster as a teen - good times! I do miss Sears as well because I used to get some excellent deals on clothes. Netflix isn't that bad to me - Amazon on the other hand...I don't like them either. So many counterfeit products on their website.
  21. I never knew my father's parents that well as they died when I was pretty young and the same can be said of my mother's mother. My mother's dad is alive and I basically learned he's a serious womanizer. How I learned this? I went to his neck of the woods when I was a teen and was interested in picking up some chicks and there were some extremely good looking ones. The problem is that most of these extremely attractive chicks were related to me! This man literally has a whole community of his descendants - that's why I don't even go up there. I let him visit me instead.
  22. It's my family (dogs included) and friends as even though we might not agree on anything, they still give me a completely different perspective on certain circumstances which I can learn from.
  23. Which country is that? UAE? or is it Florida, USA? (it does get pretty hot in Florida once it hits June).
  24. I know - this modern way of talking is pretty dumb to be honest. What gets me when they say stuff like stupid good - when did it become common pracitce to use both of these together?
  25. People acting like playing with your dogs a bit rough is abuse. Dogs are pretty tough animals and they don't mind the rough playing at all - as a matter of fact, it builds a great bond with your dogs.
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