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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Oh okay, that's pretty cool to hear.
  2. My sentiments exactly - I got banned from Fortnite for calling someone a wimp. Mind you, I wanted to use the P-word but I thought that would definitely get me banned so let me "tone it down". I just shook my head in disbelief when it happened lol
  3. For me, it honestly depends on the urgency and complexity of what needs to be communicated. If it's just a casual conversation, texting is fine but for banking and more important stuff, I'd much rather make a phone call.
  4. So is the diet pepsi bottle like glued to your hand?
  5. Although it's much cheaper to rent, I plan to own my own house once I can decide on which country I plan to permanently settle. Long term renting is going to be far more expensive and unstable and plus your landlord can choose to evict you for almost any reason or decide to stop renting the place you're living in and I don't want to be stuck in a situation like that when I'm much older.
  6. Being dishonest and backstabbing people for every literal reason. I just can't deal with people who are spineless and don't have any shred of integrity.
  7. Mine was a summer job working for a popular mobile company in our country and I remember going on a trip to another parish to sell phones and most of the people there spoke a completely different variation of our dialect which threw me for a loop because they had to repeat everything several times before we understood them. I also remember handing out flyers and when I was finished, instead of immediately going back to HQ, I spent time doing all kinds of other stuff like hanging out with some chicks at pizza hut.
  8. Jumping off the 35 ft Cilff at Rick's Cafe in Negril. Keep in mind the water is about 45 ft deep as well. It was a hell of an experience hitting the water feet first and then swimming back up felt like forever lol. I'd probably want to try it again...
  9. One of my favorite scenes in Saint Seiya was Ikki getting the Phoenix Cloth
  10. I haven't watched it as yet. Is it on Netflix or Disney Plus?
  11. I remember I used to get up early to watch Fox Kids and Kids WB - good times...I used to watch shows like Digimon, Power Ranger, The Batman, Xiaolin Showdown, Static Shock and Batman Beyond among others.
  12. Skyrim SE, Rocket League, DMC 5 and Fallout 4
  13. That's a pretty great game actually and one that I never played as well. But Fire Emblem has always been a solid series on Nintendo handhelds.
  14. The graphical details are very good especially the fiery ones with the fire that engulfs the player's character.
  15. Especially for the fact that I know gaming companies will exploit it for profit instead of using it to the benefit of their consumers.
  16. You're right about that - the game wasn't in a playable state then and when they announced it, CDPR rushed to finish it without addressing most of the bugs etc. and that is pretty much how we ended up with the hot mess that was Cyberpunk 2077.
  17. Not only the gaming issues either, you also had the microtransaction policies which also messed up Destiny pretty badly. First, it was under Activision but even when they left Activision, Bungie made some very questionable decisions which caused controversy in the Destiny community.
  18. Battlefield 1 has aged pretty badly to me and that's due to lack of updates and that is poor considering the game was released within the last 5 years.
  19. The Ratchet & Clank series always has the most off-the-wall humor I've seen in a videogame and I can't stop laughing at some of the scenes even watching them years later.
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