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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I meditate before I go to bed - it keeps my mind from racing and helps me to fall asleep much faster.
  2. knife & fork Remote & TV Pornhub & Blow up doll 🤣 laptop & cooling pad pen & paper
  3. Honestly, I wouldn't care to know either. When I die, it's my time to go so until then, I'll enjoy the life I have to the fullest.
  4. Ludo Chess Checkers Snakes & Ladders Monopoly
  5. So your practice both intermittent fasting and extended fasting?
  6. Washing Machine and Dryers - Whirlpool Fridge - Whirlpool Stove - Mabe Microwave - Mabe TV - Samsung These have been in my home over the past five years or long and continue to work faultlessly.
  7. Just curious - have she ever told you anything about her family life like if she has grandkids or stuff like that?
  8. When I used to drink, Red Stripe used to be my favorite Beer brand followed by Budweiser.
  9. I probably should, my parents were musicians after all and I love music. At the same time, I can't be bothered with stupid request for some ridiculous songs lol
  10. This was a sick scene proposing in the middle of all the chaos by Loid
  11. killamch89


    Is it still fully functional? Can you imagine showing kids of this generation a VCR? They'd probably ask if it has Bluetooth connectivity and HDMI connection....
  12. I'm definitely not feeling the musical either - It's pretty normal for iconic movie series to be ruined due to terrible ideas such as a a broadway musical.
  13. DB Fighter Z and Assassins Creed Valhalla
  14. In most games, it's perfectly fine for me by default so it may be your speakers that need some upgrading or your home theater system.
  15. Just as a note - I've been doing 24 Dry fasts every week and it seems to be far more effective than normal water fasting. Honestly, I'm not going past 24 hours with this - I don't need to lose any weight at all.
  16. Yep and that's why I wouldn't make gaming anything other than a hobby. If I turned it into a job, I might very well lose my love for gaming after a while.
  17. I agree - I've never really tried to follow the continuity of most of the Nintendo games because of how many alternate scenarios that are involved and some of them are actually "cannon" which adds to the confusion.
  18. Nope - I'm not paying that for it. I'll waiting until the price drops to something like $5 to $10 before I'll consider it. Unless the remake is drastically different from the original, I wouldn't consider spending anything over $40 either.
  19. I'm not going to lie, some of the levels on the original Donkey Kong Country were pretty tricky and most would agree. Most Super Mario games do have some very tricky stages but I wouldn't say they're hard to finish. Prince Of Persia games have some pretty difficult stages as a platformer.
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