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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I'd think it'd probably be launched on Nintendo's platform considering the amount of collaborations between them and Sega in recent times.
  2. Back in the days, it was extremely popular but as the years went by, its popularity amongst a lot of gamers has diminished greatly. Nowadays, it's either Starcraft or Warhammer you hear people talk about and I notice this trend even amongst older RTS players. I'm not the biggest RTS fan out there but I used to play Command & Conquer generals back in the day and a lot of the systems from that series has been incorporated into more modern RTS games.
  3. I have plenty of female friends that I grew up with so it's possible. It can work if both parties have the intention of remaining friends and no romantic feelings are involved somewhere along the line. If one party has/develops romantic feelings for the other and it isn't expressed, it can lead to all kinds of issues.
  4. Now that you mention it, Mario's lore has so many continuations that'd be impossible to decipher which is cannon. However, it'd probably still be able to figure this out before ever coming close to understanding Kongdom Hearts' lore. Mario is an easy premise to understand though, Mario - a big-nose italian plumber with superpowers saves his princess peach from the arms of Bowser (how comes she always gets kidnapped?). Along the way, Toad/Yoshi/Luigi will help you to save her and then Bowser makes some stupid speech like "This isn't the last you've seen of me!" and the cycle continues...
  5. This used to happen to me when playing GTA San Andreas or GTA Vice City in high school. I'll think it's an hour that has passed but when I go look at the clock, it's been like 3-4 hours and I'm there wondering where the time went.
  6. Honestly, I much rather it be like that because it's the extended period of waiting that kills the excitement. When I know the game will be out in 5 months max and I can see a tangible product that fully functional, I'll be excited for the release of that game. Whereas, Dying Light 2 came out 5 years later and I wasn't the least bit excited, it's a fun game but most of my initial excitement died after 2018 when they kept repeatedly pushing the release date back.
  7. Thanks for the shoutout bro and we'll do our best to try and get it to 200K.
  8. Honestly, I'd take a Mechassault remake right now - For those of you who don't know, Mechassault was originally an Xbox exclusive Mech fighting game where you could build your own Mech and customize it with weapons of your choosing to go up against AI or other players. The customization system was pretty deep - very comparable to Armored Core.
  9. Honestly, I can't say I have suffered such an issue. I guess it's because you probably like gaming a lot so you'll tend to want to focus more whereas tasks that you may not like doing but have to do anyways, you'll dissociate from it (just a theory, not a definitive answer).
  10. Command & Conquer is a classic and probably one of the most under appreciated RTS series ever made and I loved playing it as a teen. I didn't even know about Halo Wars till you just brought it up - for someone who has played most if not all of the Halo games barring the Halo Infinite, I can't believe another one has eluded me.
  11. It happened to me with GTA 5 on PC. I used to play GTA online every day until I got so burnt our from it that I stopped playing games for like a month. That's why I usually pace myself when playing certain games that I like so that I don't suffer any kind of burnout.
  12. The fan noise doesn't bother me at all - it's when I don't really hear them when I'm doing some intensive task on my gaming laptop that I become very concerned.
  13. Nope - it's never happened to me and I've owned most consoles since the 90's including the infamous Xbox 360 with the ring of death issue. I must be extremely lucky and I do handle my consoles with care so maybe that's a factor in why it's never happened to me.
  14. Real Madrid are just a different animal when trophies are on the line - they'll fight until the final whistle and that's why they won the CL.
  15. We know he's going to Bayern and apparently, Lewandoski might be leaving Bayern for Barcelona or Chelsea so it's one big transfer mery-go-round.
  16. Yeah, you're right but sometimes the players may be very tired or still recovering from a very rough challenge that's really shaken them up.
  17. I'm not entirely surprised to be fair as most gaming companies really do treat their workers like disposable tools. Nintendo has always been in my good books when it came to worker treatment because of some staff previously coming out and saying the numerous benefits they enjoyed working there. But as with most big companies, things aren't as rosy as they try to make it seem. To be fair, contract workers are always ill-treated by most companies because they always have little to no rights (I should know, I've been in the same situation before) and it's sad. What do you guys think of this? How does this affect your opinion on Nintendo as a company?
  18. In my opinion, I don't think the current ones were made to used for extended periods of time and the user should take frequent breaks to avoid any issues.
  19. To be honest, I'd want to visit the Marianna Trench to see how deep it really is but I'm not sure they could ever accurately replicate that in VR.
  20. Is this pokemon from the Hoenn region like Regice and others? What abilities does it have?
  21. To be honest, Best Buy and a few others have same kind of system in place for more popular tech products. You have to buy everything in a bundle of their choice which I was never going to agree to.
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