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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Now let me just say this before we go any further. The game looks like a fan-made Sonic game with the walking animation looking like he's moonwalking like Michael Jackson, the running animation looks like he's ice skating and also, the graphics are average at best. The gameplay is typical Sonic but in an open-world setting and overall, the Sonic Frontiers looks like total ass from the gameplay trailer that I watched. As usual the developer "doesn't understand" when even Stevie Wonder can see that the game is absolute trash in its current state. What are your thoughts of Sonic Frontier's gameplay trailer and are you looking forward to the game?
  2. Just an update everyone - it just keeps getting worse by the day. This is absolutely embarassing - it's metacritic score is 0.2...
  3. There's no way around lessening the time for injuries and substitutions usually don't take that long anyways so you can't do much time wasting there either.
  4. I do feel like he's going to leave and Darwin Nunez is going to be his replacement but that being said, Darwin Nunez has a ways to go before he can match Sadio Mane's clinical ability in front of goal.
  5. Yeah - gaming should be safespace for gamers to enjoy without all the real world bs. That being said, I wonder what kind of vans you can buy in Road 96? I'd want something like the Scooby Doo mystery machine.
  6. Microsoft has something like 175B in liquid cash to acquire other gaming companies compared to Sony who had something like 30-40B? or maybe it was less, I can't remember the exact report but Microsoft has significantly more resources.
  7. That's not what I'm saying at all - I was pointing out that due to Gotham Knights being a similar style of game to the Arkham series, they should've gone with tried and true Arkham combat system rather than this clumsy mess.
  8. I made an error - Bioshock is in fact published by 2k games. I'm still trying to remember why I got mixed up in the first place.
  9. I can't believe he'll be leaving Liverpool either. He's one of my favorite players to watch in the premiership and he carried Liverpool through a good amount of games last season.
  10. So why do you find Gymnastics so appealing? I mean the women are flexible and it does take a lot of skill to perform those tricks but why do you like it?
  11. Yeah and it's funny because I didn't even like him that much due to him playing for a rival team but at the end of the day, we're all humans and some things will always transcend rivalries.
  12. My mistake - I was mixing it up with something else.
  13. I wasn't sure because I know most 5 a side games has at least one GK.
  14. CR7's goal was so good, Zidane still thought he had hair 🤣🤣🤣💀
  15. I'm not sure how beneficial that rule would be to speeding up the game. It's like trading one thing for another - the referees are the ones who should crack down on time wasting.
  16. Buffon (GK) Thuram (CB) Ronaldinho (CAM) Zidane (CAM) Henry (CF)
  17. It's true - I have a whole lot of games I've bought on Steam that still haven't gotten around to playing such as Mad Max for instance and I've had that game since 2015!
  18. Bioshock Infinite is EA, Mafia II is a good game but that was at a time when they used to make great games. They've since become as mediocre as EA.
  19. It's a pity I can't get my hands on a PS5 or else I'd have already been playing Ghost of Tsushima. I'm glad that it'll be coming to PC in the coming years though.
  20. It's the same thing with NBA 2k series, they only care about pushing out a game to make some profit off it. They don't really care for a functional experience. This is one of the main reason I don't buy any games from 2K games.
  21. I was going to put this but I see you had it up first - One of my favorite games and game series. The character development of Nero and Vergil really made this game a masterpiece.
  22. It's one of those games that just got lost in the large catalogue of games I wanted to play/finish. It's not the only great game I've played that has suffered that fate 🤣
  23. I'm a bit confused as you said it's going to be rereleased on the Xbox but you called it a sequel. A sequel would be a completely different game that took place sometime after the original game. A rerelease is just putting it out on another platform. So is it a sequel or a rerelease?
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