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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Nope - not at all. I have a Galaxy Smartwatch but I have disabled all the fitness features because I don't really need them.
  2. That's the issue I have with apps on Android tablets - they aren't optimized well. That's why I ended up going for the Ipad in the first place - I feel like the Android community on a whole has been neglecting the tablets because neither Google or App developers have really tried to address this.
  3. You could be right but that's what someone said to me a few years back because I was also looking into it at the time.
  4. I'm talking about Crash Bandicoot the character and I was saying that Crash is far more charismatic compared to this big, green lizard.
  5. I used to care about these a lot more when I was younger but nowadays, as long as I'm having fun, that's all that matters to me in a game.
  6. A retcon is a literary device in which the form or content of a previously established narrative is changed to fit in line with a newer continuation of the same story.
  7. I'll be playing games for as long as I live. It's a hobby I've had since I was a kid and I don't intend to give up on it.
  8. Honestly, I'd much rather play the Sega Genesis version right now because of how buggy the modern WWE games are and how much they cost.
  9. Smackdown vs RAW in the early 2000's was my favorite Wrestling game era. Back when WWE games were actually fun to play and nowhere as buggy and expensive.
  10. Capcom just had an event the other day and even though I didn't watch it, there's a few releases so that should ease your concerns - I think...
  11. It's going to flop and most people can already tell - the part I still can't fathom is why didn't they implement Arkham's fluent fighting system. The fighting system in this game is so clunky and slow.
  12. Yeah but let's get back on topic - we do have another thread for discussing that case. As I previously stated, it makes sense because the software updates will render certain features in older games obsolete so it makes sense to get developers to update their games every now and then.
  13. JRPGs are generally not as popular with most western gamers so maybe that's why most of us wouldn't have heard about it.
  14. I think most of us don't have a clue what it is exactly (including myself). I think it's the first I've ever heard of it...
  15. EA would never do that - their policy in recent times is to rip off their customers first and every other thing except make a quality game.
  16. Is he talking about Angelina Jolie? She's the one who acted as Lara Croft in the 2001 Tomb raider movie.
  17. Could you clarify what game saga you're talking about? I'm a bit lost...
  18. You do have a valid point but I don't want to play any game where social politics based on our current reality is a dominant part of it. People generally play games to take their minds off real world issues and to have fun and politics isn't.
  19. I always loved Splinter Cell Blacklist's trailer
  20. I wasn't aware of Fortnite not being free - We also have to consider that Fortnite just happened to come out at a very appropriate time when the only competition was PUBG and it was full of bots/hackers/modders so Fortnite had a headstart on most other games.
  21. That's the point - now imagine something infinitely harder to comprehend than that and you have Kingdom Hearts story.
  22. Politicians always look for ways to distract the public from the true issues and absolve themselves of any kind of responsibility so the easiest thing is to blame videogames.
  23. Same here - I like to win off my own skill. It feels far more rewarding than depending on exploits.
  24. Story Gameplay Mechanics Graphics/ User Interface
  25. No Limits isn't exactly a Freemium game because you had to purchase the game in the first place...
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