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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Kingdom Hearts' Story is ridiculously hard to understand, it makes calculating the size of the universe look like a breeze (this is impossible as of now).
  2. Not sure to be honest - they said June but no confirmed date. I'm doing fine btw.
  3. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23488 There it is and the spell is called Star Of Extinction. It's part of the invocation system which you have access to after defeating the invoker of the Ancients. Brodual has it in this video.
  4. Oh Yeah - It's from a Spell Mod called Arcanum and it rains down a whole lot of small meteors till one big one hits the ground and then one huge explosion.
  5. I've said this in multiple threads - trying to explain the Story of Kingdom Hearts is the equivalent of trying to calculate the size and proving it. It's downright impossible - I've played almost every Kingdom Hearts game and nearly 2 decades later and I still can't explain the basic plot point of the series.
  6. As @Crazycrab said, I'll never get bored of it most of the time. I mean, I've called down like a million meteors on the residents of Skyrim and I'll likely do the same thing again today because just seeing them all get blown to smithereens never gets old.
  7. I have to agree - there are thousands of voice actors who have voiced as the opposite sex in numerous games and other media so I don't know why it should be a big issue. My rule of thumb is that if someone's good enough to play the role, give it to them - end of.
  8. Thanks for the confirmation - I wasn't entirely certain so I didn't want to put out any misinformation.
  9. killamch89


    I came across a cassette I had as a kid and it took me a good minute to recognize it...🤣🤣🤣
  10. I agree - I did watch the movie but it doesn't have a huge impact on the Marvel movie franchise storywise but it was entertaining nonetheless.
  11. Skyrim SE, Fallout 4 and Elden Ring
  12. That is common knowledge...also, you can't guarantee if those used batteries aren't worse than the one you had in your laptop.
  13. I've tried to learn it and trust me, it's difficult as hell. I mean there are more user-friendly versions now but even those are way behind Microsoft or Apple in terms of usability.
  14. Outlast should be added to this list as well as Alien: Isolation. Plenty of jumpscares and unexpected moments that are so much scarier at night.
  15. I definitely have a disdain for politics so I'm definitely not participating in that...
  16. Honestly, building a PC nowadays is very easy with the amount of tutorials on Youtube and all over the internet. Modifying it to optimize performance using software takes some know-how and isn't exactly beginner friendly.
  17. Nope - it's everywhere and once they get roped in, it's normally a wrap unless you make a conscious decision to address the issue.
  18. Honestly, I'm not too thrilled about this metaverse thing. I'd learn how to use it but I'm definitely not going to be on it all the time. I can see homeless people and others who can't afford it being left behind.
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