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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I used to do Shotokan as a kid and won trophies in sparring in the three tournaments I participated in. I also learned self defense from growing up in a violent community.
  2. I don't really have any problems with them either.
  3. Panicore was such a blast with the squad last night. I kept having to revive most of the crew because one of my friends decided to be an absolute troll and kept making noise to attract the monster to our location and then running away.
  4. That's pretty dope. How did you come up with it?
  5. Totally agree! The Switch is perfect for travel. What’s your favorite game to play when you're on the go?
  6. Totally agree. I’ve learned to be extra cautious and double-check product details before purchasing. Any specific items you’ve had good or bad experiences with?
  7. I'm not sold on Ubisoft’s cloud gaming service yet. They’ve had a mixed track record with online services in the past, so I’m going to need to see more in terms of reliability and game selection before I consider using it. The free trial is tempting, though.
  8. I agree, there's nothing like the feel of the original controllers and the quirks of the old hardware. Plus, the process of hunting down a classic console and restoring it can be really rewarding.
  9. I totally get that. Some of those peripherals are incredibly rare and finding them can feel like a real treasure hunt. Have you had any luck with local retro gaming shops or conventions? Sometimes you can stumble upon hidden gems in those places.
  10. Man, I feel your pain. I once tried cleaning my PS2, and somehow ended up damaging the power port. It’s always a gamble when we decide to open up our consoles. I’d probably try getting it repaired if you’re attached to it, but considering how long you've had it, maybe it’s time to upgrade. The Xbox Series X is a beast, and you can still play your old games through backward compatibility.
  11. At least in the short term, it does definitely benefit our productivity. However, what companies are trying to do is replace employees in the long run with machines that can run non-stop.
  12. That's really cool! Forums have always been a great way to bring like-minded people together. Did any of your forums grow into something bigger, or were they more for niche communities?
  13. I agree that ChatGPT can find some really specific stuff that Google misses. I’m hopeful for the new search engine too, but I guess we’ll have to see if it lives up to the hype. Fingers crossed!
  14. In the short term, it is meant to help improve efficiency but the long-term goal of most companies is for them to replace the humans that currently work for them. For instance, AI can run non-stop unless there's some kind of malfunction. Whereas humans need rest so we won't be able to do as much work.
  15. I've done bungee jumping once and it'd take my a lot of mental preparation to do it again. That being said, it was exhilarating! I've done bungee jumping before and although it went smoothly, I'm not sure if I'd ever do it again.
  16. Kissing in the rain really does have a magical feel to it. Do you think that kind of moment is more about the person you're with or the experience itself?
  17. Interesting! It reminds me of the style of games like 'Firefighting Simulator' or 'Police Simulator: Patrol Officers.' I’m curious to see how realistic they’ll make the medical procedures and emergency scenarios.
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