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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I know that but Rayquaza is still a formidable enough foe that both stopped their fight the minute it showed up. If I remember correctly, other legendary Pokemon from the same region showed up before Rayquaza and Groudon and Kyogere basically attacked them on sight.
  2. I never put much thought into it until today but I have to agree that "core" Final Fantasy is a bit of a myth because almost every game barring X and X-2 take place in different timelines so the lore is all over the place. "Core" Final Fantasy means different things to different people.
  3. Some people I know who've played RE don't want to play it at nights because it's scary to them. To be fair, RE 7 is quite scary to play at night...
  4. Some gaming journalists should just be called Journalist who couldn't make the cut in any other fields and ended up in gaming because some of them are absolutely horrendous at their job. For example, I can't remember if it was an IGN review of Cuphead but the reviewer couldn't even do the basics and then gave it a poor ranking because of that. Like, who does that?
  5. That's true - it is an agenda-based organization who only serves the interests of those who line their pockets.
  6. This is a really tough one but my favorite is Rayquaza - in the movie, he was an absolute beast and the fight between him and Deoxys was incredible. I also liked how he stopped Groudon and Kyogre from fighting in the series.
  7. I agree wholeheartedly - Freemium is absolute crap and has always been. That being said, I haven't spent any money on Fortnite and I used to grind in order to get enough to afford the passes. There's no way I'm wasting a penny on Fortnite.
  8. I can't say this for sure as I myself haven't played Fallout 76 but some gamers have said that the game is actually decent now compared to its original release. That being said, I'm still not going anywhere near it.
  9. I do know of quite a bit of people who haven't watched the series to be fair so it's not that unusual at all.
  10. Me neither - it was a friend who recommended it as he reads the manga and I was hooked from the very first episode.
  11. I'm not going to lie, a lot of those guys absolutely made me cringe. Just hearing what they said and how they acted totally disgusted me.
  12. It's difficult to pick a favorite anime because I love so many of them but my least favorite anime is Boruto. It's absolute garbage and nobody can convince me otherwise. I like the Boruto Manga as it's easily 1000X better. The anime is dragging the whole series through the mud.
  13. Now, that's hilarious! 🤣🤣🤣💀
  14. Hmmm, this is an oddly tough one but I'd get the picture with me and my first dog Daisy as a puppy. I've learned so much from her being in my life and her descendants are a huge part of my life currently.
  15. I was a bit confused originally but thanks for the clarification.
  16. @Shagger you should've added the infamous line " Don't you guys have phones?". I just felt like article missed that critical piece lol.
  17. It's not a huge issue for me - as I said previously, I'll still enjoy the game because I know it'll be quality. A few complaints I have are the remakes seem to coming out on a yearly basis when they could put out some DLCs for the more recent games. One or DLCs and then that's it for the new games whereas RE 2 remake got something like 3-4 DLCs. In addition to that, as great as the remakes are (and I love playing all of them), they tend gloss over certain unexplored plot points that existed in the original game that'll still go unexplored and only a few of them are ever explored briefly in the remake DLCs. I guess I just want the remakes to at least explore some of the overlooked plot points in RE lore - not just be a straight copy and paste of the original story.
  18. That's fair - I also like UFC although I haven't been following it up as much in recent years...
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