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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I loved Ruby and Sapphire from day one and I realized they'd abandoned some things but some of the Pokemon from that region were pretty cool such as Rayquaza, Groudon and Kyogre. I also liked the Regi Pokemon as well.
  2. 75? You could open your own little arcade with that lol. That's way more controllers than I've ever used as a gamer since I was a kid
  3. Same here - I've done the same and some of them I've made into personal mods for Skyrim. I can imagine - the simplest mistake in videogame code and you'll have hours of work needed to fix that. I've modded quite a number of games and that's why I really respect game developers for the time and effort they put into making one.
  4. It's kind of technical like other Souls games from Fromsoftware games. You have to really stay focused and be ready to roll or dodge - Your defensive game has to be on point.
  5. I think a prequel to the original Shinobi game on PS2 would be nice. There were a few characters in that story that had background stories which needed expansion.
  6. Another game I'd like to be remade is the original Ratchet & Clank game. I loved the Hoverboard racing mini-game in particular - you could do some pretty cool tricks.
  7. The conjuring (2013) - 8.5/10
  8. Got into some Helldivers 2 with some gaming friends earlier and we had a great session. Playing a game like this with competent teammates is a must in order to be successful in missions.
  9. No - I've never played this game before. However, I've played "Golf With Your Friends" and it's actually a fun game to play with others.
  10. It looks amazing and the movement of the animals look very realistic. The plot is unoriginal but I'll check this out on Steam.
  11. I mean, it's a very good-looking game and all that but I haven't seen anything that really differentiates it from the rest of the FPS on the market. Also, the NPCs in-game look so robotic and stiff. Also, the AI for the enemies is very mediocre. I'm not sure I'd get this.
  12. I do kind of like the art direction of this game but the story sounds very cliche. Then again, I don't know what I was expecting in 2024 - all a majority of game developers seem to care about is graphical detail and nothing else.
  13. You should try some of the Crash Bandicoot levels like High Road - I've never played a level in any videogame that has stressed me quite like that one. It's one of the main reasons I don't want to play the remasters, lol.
  14. I enjoyed it as I grew up watching South Park. I did like the story and it definitely captured the essence of the South Park series. It actually felt like I was playing through an episode of South Park.
  15. We all have those games or genres that just seem to have our number, no matter how hard we try. Whether it's platformers, MOBAs, or even a classic like chess, there's always that one thing that trips us up. So, what's your gaming Achilles' heel? Share your struggles, frustrations, and maybe even some tips for overcoming them.
  16. What's a game you thought you'd despise but ended up falling head over heels for? Which aspects of the game won you over after a while? Let's hear your thoughts down below.
  17. Ever encountered a game you just couldn't finish? Whether it was too challenging, too boring, or maybe life just got in the way, share your experiences! What game was it, and what made it so difficult to complete?
  18. Have any of you dabbled in creating your own video games? Whether it's a small indie project or something more ambitious, how did it turn out for you? Are there any important lessons you learned from the whole experience?
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