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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Honestly, I love both so it's difficult to really pick my favorite because I have so much memories with most of Nintendo's Consoles and Handhelds. The only one I didn't like was the WII because quite frankly it sucks and had lackluster games.
  2. What's with the tough questions today lol - but if I had to rate them it goes something like this: Metroid Prime Metroid Fusion Metroid Zero Mission Metroid Prime 2 Metroid II: Return Of Samus
  3. This is a tough one honestly but I normally go for Mario, Link or Peach.
  4. Dragon Quest IX Mario Kart DS The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Metroid Prime Hunters Castlevania: Order Of Ecclesia
  5. Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrows Mario Kart 7 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
  6. That's actually fact - Most Marvel superhero games have extremely low ratings and are ranked as some of the worst in gaming history. As a matter of fact, most superhero games are terrible barring Arkham knights or the more recent Spiderman games.
  7. Yeah, it definitely does liven up the experience a bit more and I also find that I perform better after coming back from a break.
  8. Personally, I think it isn't wise in any way, shape or form because that investment becomes useless the moment that game goes under. I knew people who'd spend 1000's of dollars on F2P games and then start complaining how they weren't getting their money's worth...
  9. Personally, I prefer Youtube but only marginally - I know Twitch is specifically designed for streaming and it is a good streaming platform but dealing with the moderators and other employees there is an absolute nightmare. Youtube has terrible customer service but Twitch is on a whole different level.
  10. Have you ever played Age Of the Empires before? You can build whole civilizations in that game...
  11. I used to watch this as a kid with Chris Hansen - some of them were downright ridiculous.
  12. I absolutely love it! Anya is such a precious kid and the fact that her adopted parents are spies and assassins makes it so interesting. Also interesting is the fact Yuri's brother is an officer looking for the MC but doesn't even know it's him.
  13. You never watched Friends?! First I'm hearing that one as it's a ridiculously popular series for anyone growing up in the 90's.
  14. NFS Heat and Elden Ring
  15. I think he means in all aspects of your life...
  16. I'm in my 30s and I still don't have a kid as yet but once I'm financially stable enough to support one. Then I'll discuss it with my partner.
  17. I've never worked a restaurant job before but I always sympathize with the workers because of the stress they encounter on a daily basis in terms of dealing with internal and external pressure.
  18. My parents were always diligent in picking me up and they made sure to take care of the essentials if they could afford it. That's really messed up...What was your relationship with him like after you grew up?
  19. I'll go ahead and say it right now - it's the dumbest thing I've seen a company trying to research and we've seen some pretty stupid ones over the years.
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