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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I have a stray cat that comes and goes. I just found her in my yard one day when she was pregnant with her first set of kittens and fed her. She's really bonded with my dog (used to be dogs but one of them died earlier this year).
  2. Personally, I normally prepare homemade pancakes instead - I find that I get more for the money over the long run and I can alter the amount of of maple syrup to put on it.
  3. That sounds rough. I bet there were some pretty sticky moments with customers, right?
  4. Same here - when I used to cornrow my hair, it was a pain to maintain. Now that I sport a mini-afro, it's way easier to manage and things don't get stuck in my hair quite as easily.
  5. To be honest, weekends is when I normally laze around and get more sleep. During weekdays, I'm always up early and about doing some task or another.
  6. I'm always checking where my phone is when I'm out because it's very much a necessity. I also don't leave my house without my Ipad so that I can play some mobile games or read an Ebook if needed.
  7. Tupac is also one of my favorite artists of all times. His songs are very poetic and I could relate to a lot of what he spoke about in his songs because I also grew up in a violent neighborhood with all kinds of stuff happening.
  8. I don't know - I think Physics is the closest one to Math as you had to do some algebraic equations to find some proportion of forces. Biology hardly has any of that - it's mainly theory about scientific findings and hypotheses in terms of organisms.
  9. Hey guys - how's the week been going?
  10. I was trying out South Park Snow Day and honestly, it's a fun game for casuals. Not to mention, I like the Co-op multiplayer aspect - it's fun.
  11. I'm aware that he always does this for the attention and that's why I don't pay him any mind when he says stuff like this.
  12. You should really do it this weekend because you might need one of those controllers in the near future and then it becomes some kind of needle in a haystack moment.
  13. For me it's this one - Breaking Benjamin - So Cold. I just remember having it on in the background while playing GTA Vice City in 2004 - Good times!
  14. When Sung Jin Woo Arise Igris. I love the Speech - it's too bad that Season one ended right here.
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