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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Personally, I don't mind it at all as teams that compete in multiple competitions can effectively rotate their squads and prevent a lot more injuries from exhaustion.
  2. Karim Benzema is the major reason Real Madrid even made it that far in the Champions League in the first place and I hope he wins as he absolutely deserves it. What a player he is!
  3. killamch89

    MIUI 13

    I think I'm going for a Sony flagship phone next as they still makes phones with micro SD support. I'd much rather support a platform that will allow me to expand my storage.
  4. Personally, I haven't played it as yet and it's more to do with the fact that the game itself is one massive cashgrab and I'm definitely not going to waste my money on it.
  5. Yeah, I agree. I don't know why dating apps would be considered weird when every sector is making use of modern technology.
  6. It's one of the phones that users complain of with throttling issues. Unfortunately, most companies did not build a good enough cooling system to deal with the heat from Snapdragon 8 GEN 1 so it throttles a lot under heavy workload which is a shame because it has very good features.
  7. It's just the curiosity for some people and freedom to play their favorite mobile game on another platform.
  8. Yeah - the tourism industry would take a significant hit because most people wouldn't need much to virtually visit certain spots.
  9. As the technology progresses, it'll become more widely integrated into society so maybe in 100 years, our descendants will make far better use of it. That is, if humanity doesn't get wiped out by then...
  10. I'm going to say that I think in its current form, VR headsets for mobile phones is pretty useless...I did hear that some people use it to watch porn but I don't watch porn either so...
  11. It's been years since I've played this game - it was actually a decent fighter back in the day. Too bad the series never gained traction like Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter.
  12. Okay mate - thanks for the heads up.
  13. As @kingpotato says, it's easy to install the emulator and really get going.
  14. Mirage is my favorite - I love using the holograms to completely confuse enemies.
  15. I haven't even received my Switch as yet and my favorite game is Smash Ultimate - I can't wait to completely destroy people with Ganandorf. He always hits like a freight train and racks up damage pretty quickly.
  16. It's an entertaining game - frustrating at times but definitely not overhyped. Even some people who don't normally like Dark Souls games love Elden Ring and that says something about it.
  17. Honestly, I totally forgot about Steam Link - I'm going to put it on my list of things to try on my Android phone.
  18. GTA trilogy (worse excuse of a remaster I've seen and for the price they were charging, it's absolute crap). I remember the outrage surrounding this - I mean one week worth of IGN articles and daily updates they used to have on their TV channel.
  19. I'm a compulsive saver - no seriously. I take 5 steps: save!, 5 steps later: I can't remember if I just saved so I save yet again. Honestly, it should be listed as some kind of addiction 🤣🤣🤣
  20. Same here - I love trolling my friends in-game or trolling other players together. It ensures we always have a great time and everyone gets a laugh out of this.
  21. I started playing Fortnite when it was originally released and I played it for like a year or more until I eventually got bored of it. I don't think I've touched it since then...
  22. Exactly and they said game as in present tense...I'd forget the game even existed. I'd be like "What's Skyrim?" XD
  23. Elden Ring is a fun game but you can afford to wait. I mean, we get way more patches than content update so you don't really need to purchase it right now if you can't afford it.
  24. I'd go as far as to say that the original Need For Speed Most Wanted still doesn't fell that dated. It's the one Need For Speed game that was almost perfect in my opinion - it's a shame that EA can't deliver games on that level anymore.
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