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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. It's pretty obvious with a lot of games nowadays - Anthem by EA, Fifa, Ubisoft with Ghost Recon Breaking point. I could go on by this would be a whole christmas list if I kept mentioning games that cut corners.
  2. Majority of multiplayer games nowadays are full of: hackers/modders/cheaters toxic people 12 year olds swearing at their parents all the time Honestly, outside of a few games - multiplayer games are for the most part pretty boring and lack any real content to keep me entertained for sustained periods. The sad thing is that, most companies keep pushing that instead of a solid single-player experience that will truly captivate their fanbase.
  3. At least it worked out for you - Do you have your most important files backed up to an external harddrive? It really comes in handy when your company suffers any kind of issues...
  4. I'm kind of interested as to why no form of law enforcement agency hasn't looked into this as yet - I mean, it's clearly a ponzi scheme and yet, nobody has bothered to start investigating the founders of the project.
  5. So true - you have to pay for everything yourself. At least when I was a kid, I could turn to my parents for some cash or even sell lemonade for cash. As a man, you have to find money thing for everything yourself. I started driving in high school. I used to drive my bro's Mitsuibishi Evo on weekends when he lent it to me. I used to use a portion of the allowance I got to cover gas - sometimes I'd be halfway across the island. Btw, I didn't get my license until graduating from high school... But cars are a pain to maintain as an adult especially nowadays when gas is so high!
  6. Reading playing videogames Exercising Jet skiing Once I get another one (motorcycle riding) Going on nature walks with my dogs animation Playing football Meditation
  7. Oh okay lol. I heard @Reality vs Adventure mention Antartica so I wasn't sure - I used to like going to Atlanta in the winter but it's an extremely dangerous place nowadays. One of my long-time friends died in a drive-by shooting recently.
  8. I used to be like this but nowadays if I can't find any major faults, I'll just go for it.
  9. Mine has 512GB built-in and I still got one because I love the extra storage.
  10. The worst thing is that Luna 2.0 is launching and you have idiots supporting that as well. I can't stop laughing...
  11. 2 bedroom townhouse fenced, grilled, has own yard space A/C in every room 2 bathrooms cream color very modern
  12. The problem is when people don't do their proper research and just jump on a bandwagon with lots of lies and fairytales. Honestly, the same thing happened with Bitconnect 5 years ago and yet these people still haven't learned yet.
  13. I just love when the performers take the piss out of Simon - it makes for great tv viewing.
  14. It's kinda bizarre that some people don't know about Crysis - it's the one game that made overclocking CPUs and GPUs a thing in the PC gaming space. Good times...
  15. This is quite an interesting project - there's nothing quite like raising an animal in-game and winning a race with it. I think it has to do with the amount of effort that you put into raising it well.
  16. killamch89


    Sounds like you have a good brother-in-law...
  17. I'm planning on getting one of those 1TB cards myself - I'm undecided if I'm going to put it into my phone or put it in my Switch when its delivered.
  18. I agree - your health should take priority over gaming.
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