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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I’m excited too! The first game was definitely a hidden gem. The attention to historical accuracy and the challenge made it stand out. Hopefully, the sequel will get the recognition it deserves this time around.
  2. This sounds awesome! I love the idea of an alternate history where WWII extends into 1949, especially with the addition of mechs. The mix of roguelite mechanics and real-time tactics could make for some intense gameplay. Any idea when the beta starts?
  3. I'm fully behind SAG-AFTRA on this. AI is a powerful tool, but without proper regulations, it could easily be used to exploit performers and reduce job opportunities. It's important for the industry to protect those who bring our favorite characters to life.
  4. This is really unfortunate. Ready At Dawn had such a strong portfolio, especially with those PSP titles. It’s sad to see another studio with so much potential getting shuttered. I hope the developers find new opportunities quickly - talent like theirs shouldn’t go to waste.
  5. You're right - budget limitations often mean indies can’t compete with AAA titles on graphics. But I think that’s why many of them focus on storytelling, art style, or gameplay mechanics. Have you noticed how some indie games have amazing narratives or unique art styles that make up for the lower budget?
  6. I see your point about the need for regulation, especially to prevent cheating and protect young players. However, there's a fine line between regulation and stifling the growth of the scene. How do you think we can balance necessary oversight with the creative freedom that makes Esports so dynamic?"
  7. Fun fact: Terms like 'nerf' and 'buff' actually originated from the developers side when developers were referencing game balance, and we gamers adapted it over time.
  8. Same here. Dark Souls' unforgiving combat and intricate world design forced me to rethink my approach multiple times. I remember getting stuck on Ornstein and Smough for days. I had to improve my timing, learn enemy patterns, and be patient instead of rushing in. Overcoming that fight felt like a huge accomplishment and changed how I approach challenges in games, making me more analytical and persistent
  9. My choice would be Metal Gear Solid. From the unique characters to the gameplay and deep story, it was a fantastic game that I still enjoy thoroughly even though it's been 20+ years since its release.
  10. Personally, I follow them more for the tips and to see if a game is worth playing by seeing some of the gameplay mechanics in action. My gaming choices are my own preferences and they don't really affect my decision in that aspect.
  11. Personally, I haven’t competed in a tournament myself, but I’ve watched a lot of them, and they seem intense! From what I’ve seen, preparation is key. Make sure you’re comfortable with the game’s mechanics and have a strategy in place. Also, remember that it’s all about having fun, so don’t stress too much if things don’t go perfectly.
  12. Was in some 3v3 matches on Armored Core VI and we won every match but I had to take on three mechs in one of my matches and managed to clutch it. And one of my other buddies found himself in the same situation and also clutched it.
  13. This was an actually hilarious pun
  14. It looks like a very interesting game to be fair. Additionally, it's well supported by the devs and they have a very open and honest relationship with their community so it's no surprise that game is doing that well.
  15. I’ve noticed that gamers often use terms and slang that can be confusing for outsiders. From "buff" and "nerf" to "grinding" and "loot," it seems like there's a whole vocabulary unique to gaming. Do you think gamers have developed their own language? How has it evolved over time, and what terms do you find most interesting or confusing?
  16. Is there a game that significantly challenged your skills or strategy, making you rethink your approach or push your abilities to new heights? Whether it's a complex strategy game, a tough-as-nails platformer, or a game with intricate mechanics, share your experience and how it changed your gameplay. What made it so challenging and how did you overcome it?
  17. We all have that one game that left a huge impression on us. If you could wipe your memory and relive the excitement of playing it for the first time, which game would you choose? Maybe it’s a classic that defined your childhood or a recent gem that blew you away.
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