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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I'm being cautiously optimistic about this one as I've always been a fan of the Zelda series since I was a kid. Have they said what kind of movie it's going to be? Is it going to be animated like the Mario movie? Live-Action?
  2. At this point, none of them because they'd ruin those series legacy by creating some unoriginal horse crap of a reboot or total ignore the lore of the original series and create something truly chaotic and confusing that wouldn't resonate with the hardcore fans.
  3. It's never been my cup of tea if I'm being honest. I'd quickly get bored watching these. The only ones off the top of my head that I did like were Mary Poppins and Dirty Dancing.
  4. To each their own. I do love them especially the older ones because they had a bit more psychological element to them so it made those movies a lot more scary. Nowadays, I'm bored watching modern "horror" movies.
  5. It's just like the Simpsons at this point - A series that's overstayed its welcome. How are they going to release another psychopathic dinosaur this time?
  6. To be honest, I was hungry at the time I wrote that but it's true. You can feed yourself for the rest of your life. Plus, food is expensive nowadays.
  7. When I was younger, I used to have a mild fear of heights that seemed to just go away as grew into adulthood.
  8. I've had my online spats as well but not to that point because I usually take care to put out too much info about myself online.
  9. I mean, she had a checkup only a few weeks before and the doctor said she's completely healthy but then she suddenly died from some disease called Brucella Canis. The vet said that it's something that can go untraceable for years before suddenly killing the dog. It certainly made sense because Lassie was the only female dog that I've had ever that had reproductive problems and some other signs I'd pointed out to the vet before and were treated. On another not, did your pitbull die? Where was I when this happened?
  10. I'll be honest, I didn't even remember it existed and I'm uncertain about its future. I don't even know what Amazon's long-term vision for Luna is and what they view as success when it comes to this project.
  11. Actually, I heard it was some licensing issue when it came to music. I've never understood why music licenses and other things for game weren't permanent.
  12. I don't think so at all. I mean, we'd have to do more manual labor but I actually like the outdoors and doing physical activities so I'd probably love it after a few weeks.
  13. For the past two or three years, my friends had to call to remind me about mine. Otherwise, I wouldn't have even remembered. I came to the realization years ago that the only reason I even looked forward to birthdays when I was younger, was because of the gifts I'd receive.
  14. They go the way of many other videogames and be lost to time. Most mobile games aren't really created with longevity in mind so when they disappear, I'm not really surprised.
  15. Mate, I have never paid for any game with ads. That's just rewarding bad behavior - I'll play some free games with ads but the ads can't be too frequent or intrusive. Some mobile games are jam-packed with ads and repetitive gameplay - these ones are the absolute worst.
  16. Not at all. It's been years since I've touched that game - I did play it somewhat consistently for a year but then I quickly grew bored of it. To be honest, I thought it wasn't around anymore.
  17. The convenience is what I like the most. You can play almost anywhere provided you have access to some kind of WI-FI or 5G/4G service. Although, I've kind of stopped gaming on my phones because I usually have one of my tablets with me so I just use that for mobile gaming instead.
  18. This sounds like a very interesting concept. I'm glad you brought it to my attention because this could be something I'd bring to family gatherings. We finally would have something else to play.
  19. Honestly. No I haven't and I should at least give it a look because this sounds like a Mobile game I'd play in years gone by. Plundering people's bases for resources and just being an overall menace.
  20. Actually we did discuss this in other threads, we just didn't have a dedicated thread for it and yes, I did like it. I believe that it's what helped Cyberpunk 2077 resurrect itself as a game.
  21. Godzilla minus one - It's actually pretty good for the most part. At least in my opinion.
  22. Tom and Jerry are some of my favorites as a child as well. The episodes I love is when Bruno the dog is also involved.
  23. Was trying out Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash and honestly, this game is so disappointing!
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