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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. It depends on who's the one relaying that information. Off the top of my head, Kotaku is probably one of if not the most reliable source of gaming news in the industry although they do get things wrong occasionally.
  2. I'd have to say Skyrim and it's been like that since 2013 when the modding scene really took off for the Legendary Edition. There's also Mortal Kombat 1 and now Tekken 8.
  3. Amiibos are still relatively popular as you do have some Nintendo hardcore fans that are collecting/have collected most if not all of them. I think it's just the media noise that's died down about them.
  4. It can't be that bad bro. On a more serious note, I do tend to create lots of characters different from myself. In things like Fifa Pro Clubs, I normally make myself.
  5. I used G2A for like one month in 2016 and I haven't touched it since. The keys there are usually obtained by scammers using stolen credit cards that then sell you the unsuspecting person that key. At some point, there'll be a chargeback on the credit card and that key will become null and void.
  6. I used to play Runescape all the time in my teens and now, I can hardly stand it. I'm not sure when I developed such a huge disdain for it either. I like Tekken but I couldn't care less for the story. It's gone from powerful fighters to angels and demons and all kinds of bizarre stuff.
  7. I swear that game developers/publishers do so many stupid things in the videogame industry and agreeing to stupid licenses is one of them.
  8. Bro, how could you miss Half-Life 3? The promised sequel that will only remain as that. The Syphon Filter game is now being developed by Xbox. Remember they had that reveal sometime in the past 2-3 years.
  9. When my current dog, Rex was born ten years ago, he started exploring our backyard the day after he was born while being literally blind and deaf and just crawling around. I remembered coming home the day after he was born and couldn't find him and searched everywhere but had no success. I started to fear the worse and was planning to resume my search in the morning. A couple hours after that, I heard a puppy crying so I went back outside and checked the other side of the yard, he found shelter under some logs. What made this so hilarious is that he was literally one day old and his parents couldn't even access that part of the yard and every day up until the day he opened his eyes, I found him somewhere else in my yard. Share your stories down below?
  10. The scariest animal I've ever seen in person was the Siberian Tiger. His tiger growls sounded like an old school Chevy engine that was being revved and it was so loud! Did I mention his size?! I've seen Lions already and he was way bigger than those. What's the scariest animal you've ever seen in person?
  11. Agreed. It's always fun with my family around. We always have fruit cake for Christmas dessert or cornmeal pudding. Roast Chicken is my favorite especially when my mom cooks it. What kind of bread sauce?
  12. My dog is very expressive and all he ever really asks for are belly rubs and head scratches. As soon as he sees me coming, he rolls over on his back and start motioning for me to rub his belly. He's trained me very well.
  13. Yeah, it should be a habit that everyone develops. Right now, I'm more terrified of carrying my dog to the vet because he doesn't like it there.
  14. It depends on the amount of snow and how cold it is. When my big brother used to live in Albany and went there during winter, it used to be like -30 degrees and I hated it! The pavement turned into a giant slide and we had to be constantly shoveling the snow from my brother's driveway just so we could go somewhere. Even when I turned the hot water up to max, it was still cold!
  15. I do know quite a number of people that's happened to and seems more like the norm.
  16. Or better yet, a cheese burger from McDonalds that might have been preserved for a century. You remember that McDonalds scandal with the chicken? Those preservatives cannot be good for anyone.
  17. I actually don't because I'm allergic to both and I don't think they even fall under the same classification of animals.
  18. You're totally right and even I am guilty of this to an extent. When you get to spend time out in nature, it really helps to appreciate the simple things that's around us that we normally take for granted.
  19. Sorry to hear than man and I had knew Pneumonia as a child and had to be admitted because I could hardly breath either. When I had it, my doctor at the time recommended I had ginger root tea with honey and that really helped me recover a lot quicker. Red Reishi is another one that's really good at helping your body to completely recover from terminal illness.
  20. I understand how you feel. At least you knew your dog was going to go and could say a proper goodbye. I literally left her at home in the morning full of life and was even playing with me before I left. When I came home in the evening and my other dog came and greeted me, he was pulling me by the leg of my pants. When I got to her kennel and she was unresponsive. I knew she was dead but I immediately called my vet, put her in my car and brought her to the vet where she confirmed Lassie was dead but based on her test she couldn't figure out what was the cause. It was during subsequent we found out what really killed her. My other dog was so depressed and he kept putting his head on me trying to comfort me or rather, we were comforting each other. That's good advice and thanks man. Was it a pet or a family member that you lost?
  21. My favorite would be. I love independent artists that have a unique sound compared to mainstream music.
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