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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Just curious if anyone here has ever participated in a wheelbarrow race! I remember doing it as a kid, and it was always a hilarious and chaotic experience. Whether it was during a field day at school, a summer camp, or just for fun with friends, I'd love to hear your stories. Did you fall flat on your face or manage to race to victory?
  2. Growing up, treehouses always seemed like the ultimate hangout spot for kids. Whether it was a small platform or a fully decked-out hideaway, they were our own little worlds. Did you ever have one? What was it like, and what memories do you have from it? If you didn't, did you always dream of having one?
  3. I'm curious if anyone here has ever been in a submarine, either as part of military service, a tour, or any other reason. What was your experience like? How did it feel to be deep underwater, and was it anything like you expected?
  4. I'm curious to know how many of you have learned self-defense or martial arts. Whether it's for fitness, confidence, or personal safety, what have you studied, and how has it impacted your life? Do you train regularly, or is it something you did in the past? Any tips for beginners? Would love to hear about your experiences.
  5. There's something magical about dancing in the rain - no music, just the sound of raindrops hitting the ground. Have you ever done it? What was the experience like for you? Did it feel freeing, fun, or maybe even nostalgic?
  6. Do thunderstorms make you anxious or even terrified? My dog has always found them a bit unsettling, especially when the lightning is intense. Curious to know if others feel the same way. Do you have any coping mechanisms or tips to stay calm during a storm?
  7. Missing in Action (1984) - 9.5/10
  8. Was playing some Metroid Prime remastered and enjoying the improved controls. Can't wait for Metroid Prime 4 coming out soon.
  9. It's been going pretty good for me as well. A few setbacks here and there but positive overall.
  10. When I used to smoke as a teenager this was my favorite song to listen to:
  11. I don't personally have a collection but my mom does. She has tracks from people like Billy Ocean, Marvin Gaye, The Jackson Five, George Michael and a lot of other top artists during the 50s to 80s era.
  12. Agreed. The media is the biggest promoter of this degeneracy. Were are the decent songs about how to live your life in a more positive manner? I don't like either to be honest. All they sing about is degeneracy and always talking about sex and drugs.
  13. Extreme sports can be thrilling and offer a sense of accomplishment, but they also come with significant risks. What are your thoughts on teenagers participating in these activities? Do the benefits outweigh the risks, or should they wait until they're older?
  14. What extreme sports do you find most thrilling and why? Whether it's skydiving, rock climbing, or something off the beaten path, share your experiences and what makes it your favorite. Do you have any memorable stories or tips for beginners?
  15. I'm curious to know what everyone's favorite combat sport is and why. Whether it's boxing, MMA, Muay Thai, or something more niche like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I'd love to hear what draws you to it. Do you practice it yourself or just enjoy watching?
  16. In your opinion, which sport requires the most intense training regimen? Whether it's the endurance of marathon runners, the strength of powerlifters, or the skill of gymnasts, I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
  17. What sound drives you absolutely crazy? It could be anything - nails on a chalkboard, a specific alarm tone, or even something like a loud chewer. Share the sounds that drive you nuts.
  18. What are some everyday habits that others do, which you find completely disgusting or just can't stand? For me, it's when people don't cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze - especially in public. It drives me nuts! What about you? What habits make you cringe?
  19. We all have that one household chore we just can't stand. For me, it's folding laundry - at times, it's so annoying to do. What's the chore you hate doing the most, and how do you motivate yourself to get it done?
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