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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I'm usually focused only on Gaming and nothing else. I specifically put time aside to Game so all my focus can be on that and nothing else.
  2. Three years old - my dad made me play Super Mario and Duck Hunt. It's one of my earliest memories that I can remember vividly as a kid.
  3. Often times, I can understand why they'd possibly be raging but at the same time, it's not that serious. As a general rule of mine, if I ever get that heated over a game, I should take a break from it. Usually I try to tell them that it's just a game and these thing can happen.
  4. I'm not very impressed by this game. I mean, the trailer is very well-made and flashy but the bits of gameplay in the video didn't look like anything special.
  5. I tried it out the other day and it's not half bad. I mean, it's kind of generic but the gameplay is very fluent and it's a very active game. Hopefully, Ubisoft doesn't ruin it like most of their best franchises.
  6. Same here. I mean, we got a lot of lore about the Gears universe except what started it all and now we're finally getting it.
  7. I'm not that impressed with this game, I'm not going to lie. I hope it gives us something new - I'm not sure what else can be done to make Sonic feel fresh.
  8. When I'm bathing, yes. Anything else, probably not. Music sets the mood when I'm bathing and makes me enjoy more.
  9. I remember when I had like 5 Soundcore Flare 2 Bluetooth speakers and had them all connected together so that I could hear the music all through my house. I had one in my bathroom.
  10. Yeah - Michael Jackson also had aura. If he did just one ordinary movement, he had women fainting left and right. I can't any other artist having that kind of reception from fans just by doing something. Michael Jackson in his prime could fart in the mic and women would be fainting left and right just from hearing it.
  11. That's awesome! I've never been that lucky. Somebody would normally beat me to it. That's great. If only I had that kind of luck...
  12. You know, I was just singing this the other day for some random reason. I find myself singing out of the blue a lot of times for whatever reason. I have no reason why I like this song though:
  13. I also come from two families full of musicians/singers etc. and my singing ability would be at a 7. My dad and mom could both sing very well but I'm above average.
  14. I was playing some Football Manager 2020 earlier.
  15. Ghostbusters II (1989) - 8.5/10
  16. That's what I would've chosen as well - one and a half to two hours
  17. I love Like Toy Soldiers as well. I used to rock that song all the time in high school. I also love 8 Mile.
  18. To be honest, as much as Capcom has been messing up lately, It'd take a few more years of this before you can even compare the two of them.
  19. This isn't the first or last time either. It's high time people realize that Google is only concerned about gathering your data and selling it to the highest bidder. They don't care about your well-being.
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