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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I don't mind it at all as long as it's original and not just some recolor of the default cover. It's not as though it's illegal to make a cover.
  2. You can just sense they're desperate so Tencent is definitely not out of the question. The only thing I think that could be hindrance is how much Tencent are going to charge them and the terms of the agreement. Correct! Tencent is major player in the gaming industry both inside and outside of China so they it's possible Blizzard would be open to striking a deal with Tencent. I agree that a deal could be complicated as Chinese companies have some sort of pact where they may blackball certain foreign companies if relationships turn sour with one.
  3. Thanks for telling me about VorpX. I also knew that Fallout 4 and Skyrim had official VR releases and plenty of mods for both so I can't wait to try out those in the future. So the Quest is the only VR headset you've used up to this point? Do you have to login to Facebook just to use it as the media was reporting a while back or is it straight plug n play?
  4. This is exactly what they did... So the people that bought those games lose all access to said games because Ubisoft shut down the servers.
  5. Valid point there and we as gamers have to take some responsibility for this as if we'd stop supporting games that were broken at launch, gaming companies would spend more time fixing their games before launch.
  6. I agree but with game developers nowadays, they love taking away features so I wouldn't get my hopes up about split-screen multiplayer making a comeback.
  7. I'm confused - if @Crazycrab is getting better results with turning up most of the settings and getting a stable 50 fps with a 3080 laptop GPU, why are the requirements so high?
  8. I'd like to say I'd check it out but I have so many unplayed games that I still haven't touched so I'll try finish some of those first...
  9. I mean, my cousin has a PS4, I just haven't found the time to hit him up so that I could borrow it to play TLOU 2. I wanted to get my hands on a PS5 before I played it but it's still such a struggle just to get one.
  10. I mean, the external plates of some consoles are extremely difficult to re-attach after taking them off. If you're planning to make an older console a collector's item, I'd personally just leave as is.
  11. I'd have to disagree - Twitter is a cesspool and Reddit isn't much better either. The biggest examples of degeneracy can be found on both.
  12. I agree - I haven't encountered any streams like that as yet but I'd love to set up one in the future. I think I'm going to get into GTA V RP streams - haven't decided on the server as yet though but I wouldn't mind have some fun streams with my viewers.
  13. Judging by what Netflix were going to do with the Witcher 3 series - probably and Disney, they'd ruin it without a shadow of a doubt.
  14. If the same staff that's working on TLOU did an Unchartered series, I wouldn't mind it at all. For me, it depends on who's making it because finding the balance between sticking to the lore and exploring another angle is a very difficult task for many studios.
  15. Hmmm - this is an interesting one. I agree with Monster Hunter because it has an extremely steep learning curve so getting used to the mechanics takes weeks to months in come cases.
  16. I know that the Broken Sword games were filled with accurate historical facts but it's the way how they built manage to make it come to life throughout the entire game that amazes me. I think Broken Sword is one of the few point and click games I don't mind playing at all. On another note, Syberia looks pretty good - I'll definitely have to give it a go.
  17. That's insane. Never knew these functions existed on certain Twitch channels. That definitely would drive a lot more engagement with the viewers of such streams and would see them coming back.
  18. The difference with Fight Night was that it was when they were at their peak. SSX was already falling off after SSX Tricky so it was a bit different - SSX 2012 was an absolute waste of a game.
  19. That absolutely get what they deserve - I'm happy it's happening to them. Their own greed screwing them over after all the pandering they did to the Chinese government.
  20. Where do we begin? I'm not sure what's Fox News' problem with gamers because they constantly out out negative news story about us. Next thing we know, Fox news might very well say that Gamers were responsible for World War 2 and we're responsible for Iran manufacturing nuclear warheads. Maybe it's a job requirement to write stupid headlines about gamers because I can't see for the life of me why else they keep doing this. Fox News writers: "write that down! Gamers are hypocrites for supporting blender with V8 Engine. Absolutely genius."
  21. Damn - I thought she did a fantastic job as Tess in TLOU. Cancer is a painful way to die as well - I witnessed what my own father went through.
  22. Thanks for the correction - I stayed clear of it because that's what was reported by some outlets when the rumors first came out about the guardians of the galaxy game. Is it a good game?
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