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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. This whole thing was just one big rollercoaster - I wasn't really interested in the game at all but the controversy surrounding it was what really got my attention. It looked like a somewhat decent game from the trailers (although it's fake) but hypothetically, if this game were to launch right now, would it have been any better than what's out right now?
  2. I agree with what you said - Gaming is a hobby, a source of entertainment that hardly impacts society on a whole so it's bizarre when the media tries to blame gaming for its ills. Things like mental illness, disparity between the rich and poor and other societal issues created by the leaders of nations around the world are intentionally ignored so that they can keep the populace under control and stay in power.
  3. Momentarily, it can help to take your mind off things but I don't think it really helps long-term if you don't try to address the root of the problem.
  4. E3 is or has been on life support for the past 7 years and every year, more companies keep pulling out as they find it more beneficial to host their own event. It's just one of those things in life where change is inevitable.
  5. There are a good amount of fanbases that also do that like Perfect World which hasn't gotten official support in over a decade yet the private servers are still incredibly active. Team Fortress is a massively underrated title though.
  6. Exactly my point - printed media on a hold is on the decrease across many industries as there's no benefit to most companies printing magazines.
  7. Until we get an official trailer, I'm not getting my hopes up. It's perfectly normal for gaming developers to put Easter eggs of other games they own into another franchise. You've seen GTA Easter eggs in RDR2 so I don't take these things that seriously.
  8. That sounds like a great deal until you actually play Resident Evil in VR 🤣. In all seriousness though, this is a great deal for those who are into playing horror games using VR.
  9. The way of big business in a recession unfortunately - just fire the workers to increase your profit margin and overload the remaining workers with more responsibilities.
  10. I have to agree with @The Blackangel on this one. They should take their time and polish the games instead of trying to meet an annual deadline. That being said, I'm looking forward to Alan Wake 2 and hopes it does well.
  11. Yep, my gaming laptop is at 32gb as well and an increasing number of games are coming out with a 16gb requirement.
  12. I'm not really sure what to make of this - I guess it's a good thing...Honestly, it might interest a good few gamers but most probably wouldn't care as they hardly use GeForce Experience anyways.
  13. I've never bought anything from DKOldies but I've seen a few of those videos as well about their underhanded tactics when it comes to selling their refurbished consoles. Personally, I wouldn't buy anything from them and advise others to stay far away.
  14. I haven't really touched the game in a couple of months if I'm being honest as I've been busy with a few other games. I'll add it to my reminder list so I can check this out - this actually sounds pretty challenging and I'd like to try it.
  15. This is just lazy from Bandai - I've played previous Naruto Storm games and this is literally 4 with some added DLC characters and a slight graphical upgrade. I have no interest in this game at all.
  16. I mean, what was everyone expecting - That company is rotten from top to bottom and he's the embodiment of that. Him going wouldn't change much because the management team he assembled are still there which means nothing's going to change.
  17. I mean, we shouldn't even be surprised. I mean, most people don't really fancy physical magazines nowadays - Nowadays, if you visit the magazine section in Walgreens or anywhere else, the same magazines will be there from a couple of years ago. The cost savings that companies get from selling digital-only magazines means that most have stopped selling physical magazines.
  18. Some elements of this have been in quite a bit of games since the early days minus maybe the blood diamonds. Sims is one of the few life simulators that comes somewhat close to our everyday lives. This sounds like a great premise for a game - I think there's a few out but I don't think they go really in-depth about issues like this...
  19. You'd be right, it'd look weird if he had legs in those games but he does definitely have legs and even in any other poster of Pacman, he see him with legs and arms. Usually, they look kind of really weird like some kind of chibi or loli female character or some animal with humanoid features.
  20. Hitman's one isn't exactly unexpected because everyone who's played the Hitman series knows Agent 47 is immortal.🤣🤣🤣😂 Seriously, in almost every game he has "died" at least once only for him to show up again close to or fully healed.
  21. I don't know to be honest - there's a variety of reasons why some people only choose to play one gaming franchise and nothing else. I do know of people who only play Castlevania, Resident Evil and other gaming franchises.
  22. Yeah you're right. It was a common practice in the earlier days of game development. It took a lot of work to create even the simplest of games so to save time and money, they'd re-use some graphical elements. Hell, it's still a common enough practice in modern game development.
  23. I agree with this one as well. RDR2 has a very well-written story and Arthur shows how much a human can change as they go throughout life and how today's friends can become tomorrow's enemies. L.A. Noire is really underrated game - I don't think most people talk about it half as much as more popular Rockstar franchises such as GTA or RDR (I should include myself in it).
  24. I think that goes for any large enough gaming franchise. You'll have people who won't play anything outside of a particular franchise. I've seen the same with most COD players - if you ask them to try out a competing franchise like Battlefield, they act like you committed blasphemy.
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