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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. With how the game mechanics are now - Jetpacks would be kind of unbalanced so I'd be against it.
  2. Aren't most free-to-play games like this? The only concern I have is for the people that originally purchased it. I got a free key but haven't played it in eons.
  3. I haven't played it before but the name does sound vaguely familiar - is it a FPS like Overwatch?
  4. I wasn't aware of them and most of the other movies I can think of already have games based on them.
  5. You're speaking nothing but the truth and that's why I also don't bother with them either. it just feels like a huge grindfest with no end in sight unless you spend tons of money.
  6. Nah - it's a huge cashgrab nowadays so I wouldn't recommend going anywhere near it. They always release powerful classes only to nerf them so that people will spend on the new classes that are going to be released.
  7. I'm not really - I also used to play it a lot up to 3 years ago. The game is still very popular although you won't find a lot of Youtubers playing it quite as much.
  8. It can get repetitive if you play by yourself all the time with random teams. With friends, the fun just never ends.
  9. I forgot about Terminal - if I'm not mistaken, it's been in pretty much every COD ever released.
  10. I love GTA online but with how the current releases are - they are definitely milking it. Rockstar isn't addressing the cheaters/modders/hackers on PC and it's just utter chaos. The vehicles get more expensive with each passing update and a good number of them are worse than the previously released ones.
  11. The lore is a lot to learn - I had to read some of the books to understand the backstory of certain things in-game because not all of it is thoroughly explained.
  12. The Woman On the Battlefield Cover is a stupid complaint but I think one of the main things they were complaining about was EA claiming it was an accurate representation of WW2 when it was far from it. Most women never fought in the World War as soldiers but were nurses so it was highly inaccurate. I don't really care about people's sexual preference as long as the story is interesting and makes sense. However, when such an individual is put in the story just for inclusion purposes and not to add anything to the story, then that's where the issues arise.
  13. They started just randomly shutting down older games and denying access to some of them. No matter what they try to tell us, the digital game is only available until the devs decide to pull the plug.
  14. There's also Fight Night by EA that was such a massive success but they mysteriously stopped making it and I've never heard a plausible explanation as to why.
  15. I totally agree that the testing must be poor because we keep getting these poor releases of games. Of course companies aren't taking it seriously anymore because they've seen other games released broken and go on to become successful after being fixed post launch.
  16. To be honest, I've checked it out but not to completion. I also played the first Last Of Us 2 but I don't want to fully spoil the game for myself so I didn't watch the whole thing on YouTube. I just don't like to spoil games I plan on playing but haven't gotten yet for one reason or another.
  17. I personally use a Blue Yeti but it's so sensitive as it picks up every little disturbance in the room.
  18. You forgot the COD and Battlefield fanboys or rather cult members I should say. Say anything bad about either series and it's like blasphemy against God.
  19. Hmmm...This is quite a good one actually, I'd have to agree with RDR2 and I also love Alien Isolation's story. Another one I could say is a GBA game called Broken Sword: The Shadow Of The Templars - extremely well written to where a simple murder turns into an incredible plot with so many twists and turns. I don't think any other GBA game comes remotely close in terms of story.
  20. I get what you mean - I just want VR to improve further before taking the plunge. I'd like to try playing Alien Isolation with VR if it's possible because I know it'd be an extremely horrific experience.
  21. Yep, it sounds pretty good - a good beat to have when going into battle. I'd give it a 9/10 as well.
  22. I wasn't talking just about the battle pass. I was talking about ads in $60-$70 games such as UFC. It's only after the backlash that they completely removed it.
  23. I'd have to agree that split-screen feature is dying because a lot of modern gamers don't really utilize the feature at all. So companies aren't going to see it as a priority.
  24. Prejudice, Racism, Classism and Murder have always been apart of life so it being reflected in videogames shouldn't be surprising. Let's be honest, no one would like RDR2 or GTA if all the characters were all lovey dovey and singing kumbaya. The story just wouldn't feel authentic or give us something to relate to.
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