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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Best Castlevania ever and I'm not arguing with anyone. Same - I had it on PS1.
  2. I wonder where he'll go in 2023 after his contract expires with PSG? There are rumors of him going to the MLS but Messi has at least two more years in him.
  3. As an update, Argentina finally won the world cup after so many years of heartache. In 2014, it was Higuain that was missing all those big chances and in 2022, Lauturo Martinez did his best Higuain impression but this time Argentina won. Messi was sensational again in the final and so was Kylian Mbappe but Argentina just had that edge to them...
  4. killamch89

    Mario Party

    I played Mario Party a lot with my family members during reunions and other get-togethers. I have been playing it since the N64 days.
  5. Smash Ultimate has a lot of characters from Nintendo games dating back to the 80's that some of us have only heard of as well as characters from other franchises like Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Xenoblade and Tekken. The best part is that every single character feels really unique.
  6. killamch89

    The Wii U

    I had one given to me but I never played it much if I'm being honest and I sold a year later. The concept itself was rather ambitious but the execution was extremely poor by Nintendo.
  7. Oddly enough, I do remember it but vaguely...I think it was mainly available in Japan if I'm not mistaken. Will go down as one of the many weird accessories that Nintendo comes up with.
  8. There's some drivers for certain software that aren't compatible with Windows 11 and that shouldn't be happening.
  9. It's likely that your mouse is finished - I'm not sure if it's an wired or wireless mouse but it could also be optical lens as well not properly reading your mouse's movement.
  10. Whatsapp Photok Gmail/Outlook/Protonmail YouTube Trust Crypto Wallet Banking Apps
  11. I do currently prefer wireless controllers and headsets just because the cords tend to trip you up and they're also messy but I still have no problem using wired headsets. My issue with wired is when you forget the wire is there and trip over it and knock over something expensive...
  12. Me too but I've learned how to weed out most of these videos and just pay them no mind.
  13. It's a bit off at the moment because it needs more testing but yeah, in about 15 years, that'll probably when we seem them rolling out that project.
  14. I was talking in my specific case - I'm aware your circumstances were vastly different from mine.
  15. Emma Watson's the chick from the Harry Potter Films - right? Interesting choice - what drew you to her?
  16. Ah - I'm not very versed in how to win over a parrot. Maybe try to find some expert help.
  17. It's also interesting that anyone that has interacted with them just goes to ruin - Lamar Odom, Tristan Thompson, Kanye West and a whole lot of other men have met this fate.
  18. I also remembered a story about a man that self-identified as a dolphin and drowned but I couldn't find the link the other day but here it is. Link
  19. I suspect that's what they're going to do and it'd make a lot more sense quite frankly.
  20. Parents have to take some of the responsibility and I'm referring to the ones that just willingly give their kids their Credit Card info to make these purchases. They need to interrogate their kids more as well as monitor them to see what kinds of games their kids are into.
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