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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Me too - hopefully the next iteration of the Nintendo Switch has things like HDMI 2.1 among other things. I just found it bizarre that the original Switch didn't even have Bluetooth and at the time of release, Bluetooth had gained a lot of popularity.
  2. Rockstar hardly listen to their fans anyways and he's such a minor character so I doubt they'll make him the Protagonist of any subsequent RDR games.
  3. Same here - I've never really heard of Nibel before but then again, I'm hardly on Twitter so I'm not that familiar with most of the popular users on that platform.
  4. Yeah and that's why Activision won't try to improve COD and just serve up the same recycled game every year. They know the fanbase is massive so anything they put out will buy the new COD game whether it's good, bad or mediocre.
  5. It's true - gore censorship in Japan is very much a thing and it's more stringent there than many countries in the west.
  6. To be fair, companies file lots of patents every year and most don't ever see the day of light so I wouldn't necessarily panic just yet. It's not like Ubisoft and Square Enix who directly came out and announced they were going to actively invest in it.
  7. Isn't Streets Of Rage that old beat em' up game for the Sega Genesis? Anyways, we'll see how this turns out as I usually temper my expectations why it comes to games being portrayed into other forms of media - especially movies. You have disasters like the DOOM movie.
  8. This is good news but is there any other way to confirm the information Xbox is putting out is very accurate and not simply fudging the numbers. Before anyone misunderstands my line of reasoning, I'm basically saying is there an independent third party can confirm that these figures from the transparency report are actually what's reported and not just putting out some impressive figures just to gain social points.
  9. Actually the difference is that it's way easier to get a battle pass in Fortnite from just playing the game than it is in COD Warzone but you the full battle pass doesn't offer any advantages over the one you can get in-game.
  10. Same here - it's what I heard every day growing up in the slums.
  11. And also talking about taking drugs and alcohol all the time and killing people and scamming others - personally, I don't listen to a lot of modern music.
  12. I do remember having the Batman, Robin and Joker figures.
  13. This is from The Eminence In Shadow, a new anime that's out this autumn. This scene was absolutely epic
  14. What's up man, how's it going?
  15. Playing some Horizon Zero Dawn and some more Madison.
  16. Yeah and they also cover things that we might have overlooked in the lore as well.
  17. Hogwarts Legacy does look like a great game to be fair - I just hope EA doesn't screw it up with their greed.
  18. Good shout on the Ratchet & Clank game - too bad I don't have a PS5. I'm totally not crying *sobs* I just got something in my eye.
  19. Does your PC at least have a graphics card? You don't have to start off with a super expensive computer, I've known of people who started gaming Youtube channels using a low-specced gaming laptop and then upgraded as they went along. There's a guy called Sneakytashi that I used to play Lords Mobile with and that's how he started out about 5 years ago.
  20. killamch89


    Your brothers would have likely gotten it right off the bat because they probably watched the Pokemon anime so they'd have an idea of what to do. Just watch a season of Pokemon and believe me, everything in the game will make much more sense to you.
  21. I have played both and while I don't remember much about the story, I do remember doing objectives to build up your headquarters. It was a pretty fun game to me although it did have some bugs.
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