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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I agree - we should be able to master the basics without it being cumbersome. I don't mind if there's a gradual progession of difficulty - just don't make it a hassle.
  2. Alien Isolation Layers Of Fear Outlast Silent Hill 2 Resident Evil 2 Remake Resident Evil 7 Those are just off the top of my head.
  3. I'd say the classic Goldeneye 007 for N64 - I mean you can play it by yourself but multiplayer is where the real fun begins.
  4. RDR 2 is my definite pick and I'd also say by extension GTA V - both games made by Rockstar have some of the most random encounters in-game. Sometimes you're there minding your own business in RDR 2 and out of the nearby forest comes a grizzly bear charging at you.
  5. It naturally will but it won't be that big of an issue (at least not in the short term). It does help people who wanted a certain game to try it out for the whole period of their subscription and decide if they want to buy that particular game or not.
  6. Personally, it is a bit bright in most games but I don't mind at all. What I don't like is when it's so dark, you can't even see anything in front of you and you're not in a cave or some area that is completely devoid of any natural light.
  7. Dark Souls taught me not to underestimate any enemy at all especially the "fodder" because one mistake and they could kill you.
  8. All that matters to me is the experience - Honestly, I couldn't care less how long or short a game is as long as I'm enjoy myself.
  9. I've never really made any money from gaming and not because it's not possible. It's just that I play games for fun and making it into a sidehustle makes it less fun - I do know a few people who went down this road for a while and stopped because they started to lose interest in gaming because they weren't enjoying it as much.
  10. Not really - after I finished most games, I either lent them to a friend or sold it.
  11. RDR2 - I mean I was always curious what it would be like to live in the Wild West riding horses and holding up trains.
  12. Alan Wake (2010) - Throughout the story, you get to see him get closer to the brink of madness and having all kinds of meltdowns. Doki Doki Literature Club - this game may look all lighthearted but trust me when I tell you that the game has some pretty dark twists and turns. Spec Ops: The Line - Following Martin Walker's slow decent into madness and watching some of the things he does along the way only to realize his real enemy is himself all along. Layers Of Fear - A troubled painter trying to create the greatest masterpiece - the story is extremely deep and the way it portrays the MC's fragile mind is amazing.
  13. The Shadow Of Mordor series is the one that comes to mind where the enemy that defeats you becomes your "Nemesis", they progressively get stronger as you do until you defeat them. It's very underrated and I wish more games would integrate that system.
  14. My personal opinion is that some of the studios that make films based on videogames or vice versa don't do enough research on the characters, the lore of the universe, the personal interactions between the main characters. They think that just because they capture a few phrases from the most popular characters, the nostalgia is enough to get fans of a particular franchise to support the project. It's funny that I watched a movie named Accident which captured the essence of the Hitman games better than the actual movies based on Agent 47.
  15. I'm not too sure to be honest, it's one of the many unique mechanics in RDR2 that I don't think I've really seen anywhere else unless it was added by mods. The rest usually open a menu and you purchase stuff out of it.
  16. RDR 2 and GTA V are great picks for sure. Alien Isolation, Outlast and Resident Evil 7 are also great picks just for the sheer tension you experience throughout the entire game - the feeling of dread at what's lurking around every corner makes these games very iconic.
  17. Honestly, I'm glad this happened because of the outright scam Activision Blizzard were trying to pull on people that you had to have the first Overwatch to unlock all Overwatch 2 characters from the get-go. Otherwise, you'd have the new characters unlocked and have to grind and get the battlepass to access to the rest - that was announced a couple of weeks before launch mind you. The launch has been a disaster with 2 DDOS attacks and crippling server issues making the game completely unplayable. What are your thoughts on this whole debacle?
  18. Before anybody starts, they did say they were going to do this so it shouldn't be much of a surprise but it's an 11 year old game! To my fellow Switch owners, do not pay the $70 - the added content isn't even worth the $20 upgrade on PC. Not to mention that most of the same old bugs from the original game 11 years ago are still present and on top of that, you don't get to use mods and has performance issues. This is beyond a ripoff at this point, it's a downright travesty - Bugthesda has gone too far. I'm interested to hear everyone's thoughts down below about this scam - that's the only thing I can call it.
  19. They also don't have unions in the gaming industry so companies can continue to get away with this kind of injustice with minimal repercussions. We've had one or two strikes in recent years but nothing have hardly come of that either. It's just casually swept under the rug like everything else they want to hide from the public.
  20. Exactly - this does benefit Rockstar as fans no longer have to be speculating if GTA VI is truly in development and far along are they.
  21. That is a failure - the whole market is struggling so why would you invest so heavily in it in the first place. That is poor decision making and now they've lost a lot from trying to make headway in a market that is demonized even in its own industry. I totally agree with this - it shows how naïve their leaders are to try and profit from a market that's unlikely to recover from the whole Crypto fallout. That shows there was no proper research done and we see other gaming companies also making the same mistake.
  22. That's great but can they recreate the terrifying atmosphere and ambience of the first two movies into the game? We'll have to wait and see - usually horror movies/tv series that have videogames based on them are average at best.
  23. That is the law to be fair - so she can sue and it's within her right especially if the WWE didn't acquire the rights to the tattoo designs. However, this could have a knock-on effect as I see more people coming forward and also suing them down the line.
  24. This is pretty good news and I hope that they've learned from their mistakes and don't release a game before it is completely ready. That sounds great - hopefully both gaming franchise will continue to get the support that's required.
  25. Same - Don't you have any external hard drives? I mean, they are pretty affordable and just make sure to keep them in a dry place like a safe...
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