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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I already knew that EA wasn't developing it - that's why I said it seems better than the original game. We know how EA loves to shoot themselves in the foot so we don't need to go on about that - EA only cares about money. Quality is a distant last for them - an afterthought.
  2. I heard about this law a few years back and it was meant as a way to prevent online "propaganda" from citizens on social media sites as well as tech companies. I mean, it's the law of the land - unless the people themselves revolt, I don't think the Indonesian government will revise it.
  3. It's fine actually - as long she's well written like prior protagonists and has a unique personality, I think it'd do well. On another note, I wonder if they'll bring back skill improvement system from San Andreas.
  4. I mean when you used Darth I instantly knew the inspiration - I'm not the biggest fan of Star Wars even though I do like it in terms of the lore.
  5. I started out doing Graphic Designing and it was something I used to do as a hobby. It wasn't until I did a logo for a family friend that I started thinking about doing my own thing and making a living off of it. I was on Forum Wheel back then as well, it was a cool piece of pocket money. Everyone has to start from somewhere.
  6. Well, you do have a point there...now that I think about it, that would totally suck.
  7. I never understood the fire challenge - like why set yourself on fire?
  8. You're right - even when you show them something like this, they don't really care...
  9. I agree, my dogs' father used to crawl around and play dead if I didn't give him some of my food. If I ignored, him he'd stop his routine, get up and hit me with his paw until I was looking at him and then he does it again.
  10. It's better to speak proper English because most people from other English-speaking countries will understand you clearly. On the other hand, the only people from any country that speaks English that I can't fully understand are Scottish people. Between the accent and the slangs they use/ how they pronouce words, you have to ask them to repeat several times. Here's an example and this is better than some of the others I've met in real life.
  11. The problem is, you won't know that if you're moving into an apartment building or house. Since Covid, a lot more people don't tend to come out of their places frequently and unless you plan to go around knocking on everyone's door to introduce yourself, you won't get to interact with them a lot so you won't know your neighbors that well.
  12. Ain't nothing wrong with that - I always prefer home-cooked meals . At least, from the people around me that can cook like my mother and one of my childhood friends - she's a chef btw. On the other hand, I once had a chick I was seeing when I was much younger said I should come over let her cook for me. I went over there early and while we were there, she excused herself to go to the bathroom and said I could grab something out the fridge which I was going to. While in the kitchen, I saw her have a whole chicken soaking in Head & Shoulder shampoo with the shampoo right beside it open. I couldn't believe what I was seeing - she was washing the chicken with Head & Shoulders?! I literally pulled a flash and left immediately - I blocked her on everything.
  13. I remembered those competitions sponsored by Bachelors' Super Noodles but I doubt I have seen any of their noodles - at least not in recent times. I don't think I've ever tried Pot Noodle before either.
  14. Another stupid one I see is these prank videos with people just randomly touching strangers in public areas. Just why?
  15. That's so true - poor people spend money trying to impress other people while most things rich people spend their money on tend to be an investment in their eyes.
  16. Nah, I like to take my rest all at once, it's why I hardly post on weekends here.
  17. Imagine pairing a Pitbull with a Husky? He'd be so annoying. To be honest, my only gripe with Pitbulls is that some of them tend to be very stubborn at times - The no shedding thing is a plus for Pitbulls though. Labs, Golden Retrievers are notorious for their shedding which happens twice a year but mine used to stay mainly outside so it wasn't much of an issue. The only things that I've heard with rabbits is that they get frightened very easily and can die from a heart attack as a result of the shock. I was considering but it's too much for me at the moment and with me being away from home frequently, I wouldn't be able to make time for it.
  18. I kinda remembered that you live in Nigeria and a Nigerian woman I knew told me about some of the things that goes down with the Nigerian cops.
  19. Everything takes time mate - I'm sure that's what Netflix plans to do in the long term and they're working towards it. What you want them to do? pull a Google Stadia and flop? or an Amazon Luna and also flop? Remember that they're going head to head against Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo who've established themselves in the gaming industry for over 2+ decades. It's an uphill battle for them and they're not naive like Google and Amazon so Netflix will approach the whole situation more logically.
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