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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. This is so difficult as I love so many but I'd choose Fighter for Iron Blooded Orphans season 2:
  2. You're also forgetting Captain Planet and Johnny Quest as well. Those were some iconic ones as well.
  3. Final Fantasy Record Keeper
  4. You know, that was my next guess especially LA - it's hot as hell there in the summer. Which part of Cali do you live?
  5. I haven't really played Far Cry 6 as yet but I'll get around to it soon. Although it got pretty mediocre ratings, this is still somewhat of an iconic series for me and I must play this game.
  6. I'm 33 and I feel the same - Have I really been gaming for 30 years of my life?
  7. Even though this one is outdated, I find myself saying "back in my days" like some seasoned World War 2 veteran currently living in a retirement home.🤣
  8. It's such a simplistic and hilarious concept of a game but very genius as well.
  9. That's true - I mean, I myself grew up with my parents arguing everyday and didn't have many good influences around me but I still turned into a decent citizen. I could've gone down the same path as many other people that were in my life at the time and turn to a life of crime but I always said it was stupid because most of them ended up dead/ missing/ in prison both local and in US prisons.
  10. Well, you are spot on there but there are others who don't perceive it as such and unfortunately, there aren't ready-made systems to help these people.
  11. I'd probably be doing a lot of outdoor activities like Jet Skiing, in-line skating, mountain biking - maybe even skydiving (might try this one day). Or maybe I'd continue with track and field and playing football like I did in high school but I'd take one of them more seriously.
  12. There was also that Bitconnect coin that was about in the early days on Crypto around 2017 and coin at one point was about $500 but once it was discovered that the whole thing was a ponzi scheme, the coin became worthless within a week. I do believe the Crypto world needs some kind of regulation on such entities. I just don't want the corrupt banks to be in charge of it.
  13. You do have a point - they could still go through with it and then put the child up for adoption. I'm kind of looking at it from the perspective that if the kid grows up and finds out that they were brought about by rape/sexual assault, the kid could harbor feelings of guilt throughout their entire lives and might very well try to end themselves. I'm looking on the long-term effects mentally on both the mother that was raped and the kid who's brought about by that incident.
  14. I agree the Gamecube controller was alright in my opinion but the WII remote is stupid as hell. To top it all off, the Wii remote was quite fragile, after a few drops, it started to malfunction and at the time, they were more on the pricey side as well.
  15. I do my research before investing in anything Crypto but as a general rule for me, anything that sounds too good to be true, I just don't fool around with it. I nearly invested in things like the Anchor protocol and Celsius but I decided against it and both have gone bust this year with people losing millions of dollars. I'm curious as to why the creator of such scam tokens aren't facing fraud charges.
  16. Abortion in cases of rape/ sexual assault should be made legal. However, voluntarily aborting kids because you couldn't control yourself when there are so many birth control methods around is a whole different story.
  17. I primarily stick with BTC, ETH and Monero along with BNB and things on the Binance chain like BUSD. Besides DEFI on the Binance chain, I don't really purchase any other Altcoins because many of them always end up like Luna.
  18. I don't either but we've seen Nintendo do this a number of times - they either shut down the fan-made game or threaten to sue. As a matter of fact, Nintendo is the only company that I remember in recent history that consistently does this.
  19. Maybe I should put that I lie awake in bed for about 2 hours as the last thing I do at nights.
  20. I agree - getting outbit on Ebay always annoy me and it's usually in the last seconds that they put in their bid as well complete catching you off-guard. On another note, Jehovah's Witnesses are annoying as hell.
  21. So no security systems or alligator pits for intruders? By the way, if nobody knew what I was referencing, it's from Austin Powers:
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