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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I used to watch this as a kid with Chris Hansen - some of them were downright ridiculous.
  2. I absolutely love it! Anya is such a precious kid and the fact that her adopted parents are spies and assassins makes it so interesting. Also interesting is the fact Yuri's brother is an officer looking for the MC but doesn't even know it's him.
  3. You never watched Friends?! First I'm hearing that one as it's a ridiculously popular series for anyone growing up in the 90's.
  4. NFS Heat and Elden Ring
  5. I think he means in all aspects of your life...
  6. I'm in my 30s and I still don't have a kid as yet but once I'm financially stable enough to support one. Then I'll discuss it with my partner.
  7. I've never worked a restaurant job before but I always sympathize with the workers because of the stress they encounter on a daily basis in terms of dealing with internal and external pressure.
  8. My parents were always diligent in picking me up and they made sure to take care of the essentials if they could afford it. That's really messed up...What was your relationship with him like after you grew up?
  9. I'll go ahead and say it right now - it's the dumbest thing I've seen a company trying to research and we've seen some pretty stupid ones over the years.
  10. I wouldn't say its underrated either because a good portion of the RE fandom says it's the best game and to an extent, that is the case so its definitely not underrated.
  11. When people try that I usually start questioning them as to what is their justification for talking down to me - what makes you so superior? I find that a lot of people shut up almost immediately.
  12. It functions similarly to Xbox gamepass in that you're basically cloud gaming - at least, that's what it reminds me of. I can't say if they use the same technology or something different because I haven't really used it myself. @Crazycrab knows more about it or you can just Google it.
  13. I think RE 4 was a solid experience - also it was the first one with the over the shoulder camera view instead of the traditional wonky camera angles and the story was very solid. Honestly, in a way it is the best game of the series to date not counting the remakes.
  14. There are a few contenders for me - CS:GO, RDR2, Rocket League, Skyrim. CS:GO - it's ridiculously easy to get into and as a Counter Strike fan, I'll always love this game RDR2 - Loved the original game and this prequel is an improvement on it in every way - the story is excellent and you tend to sympathize with most of the characters when you hear their backstories. Rocket League - Easy game to get into and is pretty addictive if you aren't careful. Skyrim - For all its issues, it's still one of the best open-world games of all time in my opinion and especially when modded, the sky is the limit.
  15. The only alternative I can remember is Onimusha for the GBA - it was an okay game. Nothing spectacular but a solid addition.
  16. If I remember the instructions correctly, all you really need is the Steam app on your mobile phone and some setup on the PC and it should be up and running in no time.
  17. I'm going to be honest and say that I've never played this one or even remembered it existed. I'll definitely add it to my list of games to try...
  18. Some of the bosses are ridiculously hard to fight - For instance, Dragonlord Placidusax is ridiculously hard especially when he releases the plasma attack. If one of them catch you with anything less than full life, you're normally dead or at something like 10 hp.
  19. I didn't even know there was a mobile version of Football Manager. If you enjoyed playing the PC version more, why didn't you stop playing the mobile version since it was so lackluster?
  20. It's a coin toss for me because I'm not certain which one I'll buy either or maybe you could get lucky and end up with both. Now wouldn't that be great?
  21. Yeah, the old GTA games tend to be very glitchy underwater especially swimming in certain areas...
  22. It still holds up relatively well in terms of graphics even though it was made 15 years ago - I'd go as far as to say EA peaked with Most Wanted because not a single NFS game that came out after was better than it.
  23. There are also times where I just decide to take a break from it just so that I don't suffer any burnout. That always helps too...
  24. I'm more concerned about Capcom concentrating most of their energy on remakes instead of making brand new games. I don't have a problem if they want to do a remake every now and then but it seems like a yearly thing now.
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