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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I've also heard of it and remember it quite vaguely - However, I've never played it. When was it released exactly as in the year?
  2. The early 2000's with snakes on Nokia 3310 - the toughest thing in all of existence. Mobile gaming has come a long way in terms of graphics but the industry itself is a giant cesspool. Even worse than console and PC gaming.
  3. Haven't played it in almost 4 years so I'm not sure what I could tell you other than the Dragons in ESO are WAY stronger than the ones in Skyrim. You'll need to work with a huge group just to take down one dragon. They really feel like the real dragons of the Elder Scrolls Lore books.
  4. Well Microsoft has acquired quite a few companies since this thread started so they'll be pushing a lot more exclusives in the future. I feel like the Elder Scrolls and a few others will become Xbox exclusives.
  5. Haven't played Ghostwire Tokyo since the start of this year either but it does look like a very interesting game.
  6. When I used to play Fortnite, my favorite weapon was the Legendary Scar - it used to melt my opponent's healthbar like no tomorrow.
  7. But they used to do the same to me and I just accepted it so I wasn't sure why my cousin took it so personal.
  8. I wouldn't mind that either as it was a great game - I'm not sure Rockstar will put that kind of time and effort into it though....
  9. I have played Persona before but i haven't played Persona 5 - is it multiplatform or just limited to the PlayStation ecosystem?
  10. Haven't heard of this game before - I'll go check it out on YouTube right now. I mean Elden Ring is a joy to play right now as I'm cooking most players but I don't mind finding something new to play.
  11. Final Fantasy 6 or Golden Sun - You can't go wrong with either. The rest are great games as well but I'd rank both above the others.
  12. It's an age thing I swear - Nowadays, I find myself wanting to sleep after 2 hours XD
  13. Popularity on another platform (YouTube etc.) Making some unique content like pouring molten aluminium into an ant nest and allowing it to cool and then digging it up.
  14. In high school, the longest gaming session I had was 30 hours and that was playing GTA San Andreas and I've never been able to that again. Neither would I want to - I love gaming as much as everyone else but it's healthy to take breaks from gaming throughout the day.
  15. I think we had a discussion like this a few years back and most people came to the same conclusion that it'd make gaming more stressful and after a while you'll suffer burnout and lose the passion for gaming.
  16. It depends on my mood honestly - sometimes I'll play some GTA online with my friends as well as some Elden Ring and at other times, I just like the single-player experience of Skyrim and Fallout 4.
  17. Although not perfect, I'd say Skyrim as well - for all its flaws the combat system is simple and effective.
  18. Nope - not at all - I always prefer to sit down as it I'm more comfortable playing the game like that.
  19. I really think you should go get that checked out - also, you should try limiting the amount of time your gaming sessions last and taking more breaks to see if that solves your issue as well.
  20. I'd say Golden007 - it had everything in terms of a solid shooting mechanic, decent amount of weapons and hours of fun no matter how long you've been playing it.
  21. If you are talking about the console or computer, I use a can of air to clean both and I do it at least once a week. It's easier to maintain than doing it once every few months and far less time consuming.
  22. 2-3 hours daily but broken up into smaller sessions throughout the day.
  23. I'm not sure to be honest because barring the most demanding of games - the difference in battery drain between most games is not that huge.
  24. TO be honest, I haven't played any strategy games in a good while barring AOE. I am also a big fan of the Command and Conquer series and I do like Starcraft.
  25. Sometimes, I do login to Lords Mobile and contact my old guildmates via dm and it's always good to hear from them. I also have some of them on the LineApp so I can contact them outside of the game as well.
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