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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I kinda remembered that you live in Nigeria and a Nigerian woman I knew told me about some of the things that goes down with the Nigerian cops.
  2. Everything takes time mate - I'm sure that's what Netflix plans to do in the long term and they're working towards it. What you want them to do? pull a Google Stadia and flop? or an Amazon Luna and also flop? Remember that they're going head to head against Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo who've established themselves in the gaming industry for over 2+ decades. It's an uphill battle for them and they're not naive like Google and Amazon so Netflix will approach the whole situation more logically.
  3. What makes this scene more impressive is that he had planted another kido non-verbally that activated once Aizen was weakened by Ichigo.
  4. Well. the original game has been out since last year. I don't have an idea what they've added to the Gold Edition but if you don't want to wait, you could just get the original RE Village...
  5. Today I tried Raft Co-Op with my friends and it was strangely entertaining. Imagine being on a piece of plank and having to build it up using stuff in the ocean that you have to fish out of the water. All the while, a shark keeps taking chunks out of the raft at intervals.
  6. I do - I watch a lot of GTA 5 RP videos and first impressions for games I'm interested in buying.
  7. Halo Infinite - honestly, compared to previous Halo games, this one just feels so...flat. In addition to that I've noticed they removed a couple useful features from previous games so that makes me dislike it even more.
  8. COD and Fifa are too great additions and I wholeheartedly agree - they keep selling the same game every year and they'll sneakily remove one or two features and re-add one or two features from far older games and call it "revolutionary". That's been established since the early 2000's and the new open world game looks like trash.
  9. Cyberpunk 2077 is a perfect example - the game was overhyped beyond belief before its release and CDPR were at the heart of it and that's why the game flopped so bad on release. COD Warzone is also overhyped in my opinion, yes, it is fun to play and some of the events are entertaining but at the end of the day, It's still COD.
  10. Let's see here... I'd try to hoard everything in case it unlocked some kind of secret - You know you can't judge tin cans by their cover... Read the manual inside out in case there was a code/cheat code that code unlock an ability/power/armor - I could probably tell you where to find certain words - page, paragraph etc. Trying to jump on every ledge/invisible wall in-game hoping to discover a secret level - many a painful death from this. Go into the cheat menu and enter every possible combination to unlock something - It did work one or two times but I never unlocked anything significant.
  11. So true - it has great elements but RDO never got half the support GTA online got and they even indirectly said it in a post.
  12. Ubisoft is doing poorly - where have you been? they're planning to hold a funeral for Assassin's Creed, they just had 4 games cancelled - one of them a Ghost Recon Battle Royale that none of us would care about and so many other things that I can't even say in one post. Ubisoft is making EA and 2K look half-decent and that takes some doing.
  13. It looks better than the original game and an added bonus - it actually works. See guys, what did I tell you? It's so easy to make a better and more enjoyable game than EA.
  14. The Rockstar of the modern era won't do that unfortunately and it sucks that this is only termporary - I'd have loved to grab something there.
  15. Hustlers is a fantastic recommendation - I didn't know it was based on a true story though. That's why I didn't include it in my list.
  16. I agree but on a related note - when they parodied Chris Hansen in Boondocks was one of the most hilarious scenes I can remember from it
  17. I totally forgot those two especially Johnny Bravo. I haven't seen I am Weasel since the 90's but it was a pretty good one as well To be honest, even before Ben 10, the standards were already dropping.
  18. Labs are the easiest dogs to raise - they're usually well-mannered, scarily intelligent and they learn pretty quickly. The only thing is they shed hair A LOT - my original dog as a kid was pure lab but her descendants are labrador/ rottweiler mixes. They're just as smart but extremely overprotective and territorial except to me, my mom and a couple others. My big brother is the most interesting one since he hardly comes to Jamaica and they hadn't met him before but they let him into my yard without barking or anything. All they did was sniff him - usually they'd pounce on any stranger that dared to set foot in my yard. The only things I've never seen them kill is a pigeon who I nursed back to health, a frog and a stray cat that always skillfuly evades them.
  19. That's pretty dope - do you also plan to get into Bee farming as well although I heard African honey bees are pretty vicious lol
  20. I see - that said, how spicy is it in your opinion? Do you need milk with it kind of spicy or just it burns a bit for 5 seconds and then it falls flat.
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