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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. The nostalgia! Max Payne was the first game I remembered that used bullet time as a feature. That being said, Rockstar being involved in this remake makes me a bit uneasy because the GTA Trilogy is still fresh in my mind.
  2. You mean that crappy Avengers game for Square Enix? If that's the case, I'm definitely not looking forward to it at all - I'd love to be proven wrong but the standards of the gaming industry are currently rock bottom so I'm probably right.
  3. killamch89


    I also do quite like it - I don't own a Switch as yet but is an interesting horror game that I wouldn't mind getting into as a huge fan of horror games. No problem mate.
  4. For nostalgia purposes and because it's affordable, I can see some people getting this. It is a curious piece indeed.
  5. I inherited my parents' ability to sing as they were both musicians but I just can't be bothered. I love doing it personally.
  6. This scene is so savage - to see the desperation as the Marley forces hopeless try to defend themselves from the Rumbling is absolutely crazy.
  7. Come on guys - it's not that difficult. When you hear strange noises, don't go and check it out - don't split up. If you hear scary background music, it's time to get moving lol.
  8. Played some Skyrim SE and Fallout 4 today - it's actually been a few weeks since I've last played either of them.
  9. I don't know about Canva being a video Editor - it's pretty good for photo editing though and creating YouTube banners. The one that I use is Camtasia and although it isn't exactly beginner friendly, it gets the job done. Since I've never used Hitfilm Express, I couldn't offer any advice in regards on how to use it but I can provide some general tips: Keep three copies of everything you create in 2 different locations on you machine and one on an external hard drive. It's called the 321 rule and it has saved me a bunch of times when I accidentally deleted something I was working on. Watch some tutorials on YouTube. Look for beginner-friendly people who specialize in using the software you're interested in. FXHome is a good place to start - I do watch some of their videos for some inspiration. It's important to learn some very crucial terms such as Jcut which is the audio preceding the video. (you'll catch these after a month or so).
  10. I own a 2018 Ipad Pro - it has tons of features and I use it to read my Ebooks and play some mobile games as well. I plan to get an Android tablet very soon though as I want to play some emulated games from other consoles.
  11. Agreed - it got to a point that I use Adguard on my mobile device. Multiple commercials consecutively during a 5 minute video is annoying it's not even funny. The worst part is it's the same crappy advertisements about Raid: Shadow Legends, Manscaped or some stupid dating coach who I couldn't give a shit about.
  12. I agree - I think it's the only racer from the early 2000s that I still play regularly enough.
  13. Like how Rockstar killed off Bully - EA with SSX, Dead Space and Burnout and the list goes on.
  14. I've been to a few minor ones but never any major ones. Honestly, it can get pretty chaotic being there as people are vying for spaces.
  15. Used to happen a lot when I used to beat people in sports games like Fifa. My cousin used to go ballistic because he was such a sore loser - But then again, I used to beat people by like 8-0 and other ridiculous scorelines so maybe that's why.
  16. They won't restrict it to certain countries - they'll make it available globally as they stand to make way more profit from it that way.
  17. Totally forgot about Burnout as well as Smack Down vs Raw. Jet-Li Rise to Honor is one of the few beat em' up games I played a lot on the PS2.
  18. Scalpers also played a huge role in the whole saga - buying up the whole stock and selling the consoles way above their market price and the idiots who bought from these scalpers.
  19. Probably a combination of both - Nintendo has never really explained what caused the issue in the first place. They only claimed to have fixed it.
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