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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. First I'm hearing of this and I don't see it on the Google Play Store either but it could be location dependent.
  2. This and the Nokia 3310 were absolute bricks - you could drop them on the tile and started feeling sorry for the tile. I heard that they can even survive a nuclear holocaust 🤣.
  3. We all know Razer sells overpriced products - I wonder what you'd say about the Covid mask they made with a filter, RGB and a microphone in it. I'm not sure who's the bigger idiot - Razer for making these ridiculous overpriced products or the idiots who keep buying them.
  4. I watched this one last year and I just can't stop laughing. So for context, Cartman took Kyle to court because he agreed to suck cartman's balls if he could prove Leprechauns were real which they did find one and the outcome was absolutely hilarious! and for the outcome:
  5. I'd just grab my son, get out of the house making sure to lock every window and I'm setting the whole house on fire.
  6. I agree - I get a lot nostalgia from reading some of these threads because these were games I forgot about as I haven't played them since I was a kid. Honestly, the only Kart racer I still play is Mario Kart and it's pretty obvious why.
  7. Pro Evolution Soccer was one of my favorite games to play annually. I used to play it a lot before Konami ruined it by changing it to eFootball and turning it into a live services game. I don't like Fifa anymore either so I've been looking for another game to play.
  8. Solitaire and Pinball used to be my way of killing time as well especially when I was waiting on my friends as a teen.
  9. Honestly, out side of Final Fantasy Record Keeper, Lords Mobile and a few others, I find the rest of the Mobile games tasteless with their aggressive microtransaction policies. People talk about PC and console gaming but the mobile industry is an absolute cesspool in this regard.
  10. Sounds like a good idea to me - we look forward to seeing your full collection.
  11. WIthout any gameplay or images, I can't really form any opinion of the game. I'm looking forward to another Tomb Raider game though as it's been a while since we had one.
  12. Nah - they do the same thing to me so it's all good. Yeah - I think Co-op is definitely one of the best game modes. Me and my friends could hardly get anything done because we kept trolling each other the whole time.
  13. I think it's mainly for aesthetic purposes - the only part I don't get is what function does the D-pad on the side of the mouse actually serve. Update: The D-pad buttons on the side are actually function and can be programmed but It does seem very awkward to use. One of my favorite YouTubers ETA PRIME did a review on it right here. For the most part, it's just a regular wireless mouse.
  14. I agree - I like it to be Dark in terms of hiding monsters but I at least would like to be able to see where I am going. It also annoys me when they have an annoying static camera so not only can't you see where you're going but you aren't certain if you're even aiming in the proper direction.
  15. I had bought the game but haven't played it as yet so I wasn't sure what game with trucks you and @Patrik were talking about.
  16. I'll wait for the reviews as well - I don't like being the Guinea pig XD.
  17. In most games, I don't as it takes away the challenge of learning to properly aim your shots so you'll be at an extreme disadvantage if the devs decide to get rid of it for whatever reason.
  18. In Skyrim, I hate how weak Dragons are - based on the Elder Scrolls lore and in games like Elder Scrolls online, Dragons are basically referred to as lower-tier Gods. But in Skyrim, even Mammoths and Giants can easily kill Dragons in a fight. In Elder Scrolls Online, you need max-ranked top-tier players with rare items and a lot of luck.
  19. Konami is too busy building Silent Hill slot machines to care about making a new Silent Hill game (I wish I was joking about this). That's why I want someone to either buy the IP from them or acquire Konami because they're sitting on some legendary game series and completely ruining them.
  20. What game are you guys talking about? Is it European Truck Simulator?
  21. Actually, they were receiving the death threats because of the multiple delays. They released it early even though they had known the game needed another 2 years of development to be fully functional on all platforms and due to that, it completely tanked.
  22. killamch89


    I was just pointing that out because gaming developers tend to stick with one predominant theme throughout an entire game. Ikai in Japanese means admonish, warn or prohibit so it's a very suitable name for a Japanese-themed horror game.
  23. Exactly - one thing consumers of a product like is familiarity. If you make small changes to the game which enhances the gameplay or adds a new element, most won't really complain unless it was poorly executed.
  24. I think if the gameplay had continued to evolve, it'd have been a viable competitor to GTA. Unfortunately, it became quite a dated series.
  25. I don't remember there being any online segment to be honest - Fighting Force N64 had a Co-op mode but I played the Fighting Force 2 on PS1 which had the single-player game only.
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