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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. He is right though - last year was an absolute nightmare in terms of games.
  2. I think the most I've ever spent on a video game and this was over the course of three years was probably a $1000 and that was on Champions Online.
  3. Me too but in general I went out during the nights and came back home at around 6am. I was usually out all night partying.
  4. Some of the dialogues are absolutely hilarious. just check out the video I had posted earlier in the thread.
  5. That's correct - parents should be the ones teaching their kids about ethics and how to conduct themselves instead of trying to blame video games.
  6. Or maybe they need to make vehicular sport category.
  7. Rocket League is in its own category - I have no clue what category it would fall under either.
  8. Liberty City, Vice City, San Andreas and GTA 4 and the DLCs were all pretty good games in their own right with very good stories and lots of humor.
  9. I know that in some parts of Asia, dogs are a cuisine (I shudder at the thought of it just looking at my dogs).
  10. Same here - once I'm full focused, I can always perform at my best. However, when I'm not up for it, I'm easily the worst player on the planet.
  11. I just remembered a few other games: Star Wars Battlefront 2 Fallout 76 Fast & The Furious
  12. The point is that it's pretty old and nobody is going to pay that for it...
  13. No - I have never tried it because it does take quite a bit know-how to get games up and running on Linux. If it was simpler to use, I think it would have a bigger number of gamers.
  14. It's not a bad game at all but it does have some pretty glaring bugs. However, it is a really fun game.
  15. I used to play games as a kid and it never affected me negatively in any way. As a matter of fact, it helped me to relax my mind.
  16. Not me personally but I do know of more than a few people who slept with the lights on after playing Resident Evil for the first time.
  17. This is a tough one because I usually go into most quest with little to no expectations so I'd only say the quest is boring after I've finished.
  18. My choice would be Mirrors Edge - the graphical design along with the unique design of certain buildings is very distinct. The game itself was alright but the world was very distinctive.
  19. I don't really care that much about in-game organizations unless they fit my character's beliefs. I'd much rather make my own organization in-game but you can't really do that without mods.
  20. For me personally, It's any Spyro title - its the dumbest franchise I can remember. How do you have a dragon with wings but can't fly? Not only that but he's hilariously weak.
  21. VR is still in its infancy and has progressed much since its introduction in 2016. I'd be inclined to agree with you that VR is so overhyped. AR has been making some good progress but VR has been for the most part pretty stagnant and I can't see that changing anytime soon.
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