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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Square Enix also made Marvel's Avenger's which is one of the worst games in the last decade and they've lost something like 200m which they'll never recover.
  2. Hitman 3 was alright in my opinion and Halo Infinite came out with bugs. Although it has improved since, I wouldn't say it's anything spectacular either.
  3. Battlefield 2,3,4 and I were also pretty good games but ever since Battlefield V, the franchise has been on a total decline. Just when I thought EA couldn't do any worse than Battlefield V, 2042 completely upstages it.
  4. I don't know - it sometimes handicaps you as well. I just like how it's a perfect representation of Sheogorath himself - absolute chaos.
  5. In terms of nature, they serve a purpose and scorpions do tend to kill pests as well. It's just that in the case of my home, they're pests and I deal with them accordingly.
  6. Exactly my point - prior to Battlefield V, I was a huge Battlefield fan but after the last two games, I'm not going anywhere near it until they make a far better game.
  7. They also have a lot more to lose in terms of reputation if the next game flops so I'm sure they'll pull out all the stops.
  8. You mean one or two times but majority of the time, they screw themselves over by being lazy and they normally find a way to screw up their best series - just look at Battlefield for example.
  9. The GTA trilogy was a disaster but fans will excuse that one because of how good the other games were. I'm still looking forward to GTA 6 myself when it comes out in the next 4-5 years.
  10. The only ones I kill are like Mosquito, Ticks and fleas - actual pests. I hardly trouble any others as long as they aren't being a nuisance in my home. I have a spider and a lizard in my house to get rid of the pests.
  11. It's the same thing with Battlefield V - they marketed it as historically accurate and yet they had some woman with a robotic arm fighting in WW2. Totally unrealistic.
  12. Luckily, I always carefully checked out everything because it was a game published by EA so that's never happened to me but that's typical EA for you...
  13. And the worrying thing is a lot of gaming companies love deceiving/misleading their fans and when they face backlash, the act like they're victims instead of owning up to their scummy actions.
  14. Agreed, I just hope that some regulating body interferes because it's bad for the industry if just a few companies own all the gaming studios. The lack of competition will lead to the lack of innovation in games.
  15. I agree - when I encounter animals, unless they approach me, I tend to leave them alone. I couldn't imagine using animals as test subjects for anything and just seeing them cry out in pain.
  16. True - their team is very good at marketing but at the end of the day, the game is still very mediocre.
  17. Yeah, That's why I stopped play Apex Legends - it was due of the lootboxes. I knew EA would screw it up one way or another...
  18. That's pretty wild - I always thought that some of the rants sounded like things I tend to hear on some of the radio shows in the US.
  19. Personally, it depends on the type of game and if they're marketing it as historically accurate. For instance, if a company says the game is based on an actual event in history and we have objects like modern day cellphones in-game, I'll be turned off because the publishers deceived me. However, if it was a what-if scenario or fantasy, I couldn't care less what they want to do as long as it makes sense in the context of that gaming world.
  20. I agree - Warframe has and always has been nothing special. Just a bunch of new armor released every week for cash. Either that or you have to play the game for years before you can earn some of them.
  21. You're very much correct as animals have feelings and are sentient. Can't they carry out their experiments on themselves if they need a test subject?
  22. I even commented the other day that I'm starting to sound like how old people used to be back in the days. The fact that I'm starting to sound like my parents confirms to me that I'm also a dinosaur.
  23. I remember Chrono Trigger - haven't played it in ages though. You still play it?
  24. I also think the sizes of the companies Microsoft and Sony acquired gets more press because of the amount of money involved as well. Microsoft's deal for Activision is a record breaker in this industry.
  25. I have been to a gaming convention in Florida but it was about 10 years ago or more.
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