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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I suspect that we may see a deal for Sega - I mean, Nintendo and Sega have been collaborating a lot in the past few years so I wouldn't be surprised in the not too distant future we see that happening.
  2. I have never tried it even once I probably won't ever try it either as it's just not my cup of tea...
  3. Quite frankly, I haven't really gotten on to this ship and it annoys me that they're trying to make crypto a new pay 2 win outlet with NFTs and the whole lot.
  4. But most gamers are males and I'm pretty sure they aren't really into that kind of stuff.
  5. I had read the article somewhere else - I hope they add Darth Chef lol. Seriously, it'd be extremely funny.
  6. It's more of a business move because them making COD an exclusive would probably push people towards the Battlefield franchise as crap as it is currently.
  7. Same - I used to watch wrestling up to my early teen years but then lost interest in it for the most part.
  8. I didn't know that - when I can get my hands on a PS5, I'll definitely have to sign up for that.
  9. Grand Theft Auto 6 is far from release - they have just begun the development process in recent months.
  10. I'll finish it when I feel like it - there's usually too much going on in lobbies to pay attention to that.
  11. It's true - they keep arguing amongst themselves as to which one is the superior country. It's almost like the constant arguing you hear between Koreans, Japanese, Chinese and other Asians...they call each other all kinds of names.
  12. I think it's stored underground and then used to create nuclear energy at a later date - I learned so much from Pinky and the Brain...mostly Pinky who is the real genius.
  13. Is it raw beans or cooked beans?
  14. Haven't played this game in ages and I don't remember that much about it but it was fun to me at the time.
  15. We don't have an official date for the release but they've confirmed that it's in development. Yay I suppose? Seriously, we kind of figured that much already...
  16. In the past, I've done things in-game that I hated to unlock some achievements and yes, I hated every minute of it. Collecting the Action Figures in GTA V has been exhausting and I still haven't found a few of them yet.
  17. This is amazing! I quite like it especially the colors matching the infinity gauntlet.
  18. You forgot one - they're usually trash. No seriously, name me one good live-service game - don't worry, I'll wait...
  19. I'd say Skooma from Skyrim just because I'd want to see the effects of it in real time.
  20. I think this also a spill-over from the whole Evergrande fiasco in China. It seems to be affecting lots of companies in China in various industries so I wouldn't be surprised if that also played a factor.
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