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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I mean, it's okay when playing with your kids because I used to play cops and robbers with my dad when he got me and my brother some nerf guns. I mean when you have lots of adults dressed up as D&D characters and actually roleplaying it looks hella hilarious and awkward.
  2. I looked for one that can recline and also had a foot resting extension. It's not easy or cheap finding one that suit your specific needs. I had been through two or three before finally settling on the one I have currently.
  3. Most aren't really scary at all - Alien Isolation and Resident Evil games do a good job with them.
  4. Most of them are ridiculously easy and comes with lots of settings to make the game as easy to manage as possible. Come to think of it, most of the games I've played in past 5 years were really easy even on the hardest settings.
  5. I'm a PC gamer but for me it depends on the kind of game. For instance, when I play GTA or Watch Dogs, I find that the controller works best for maneuvering the vehicles while I use mouse and keyboard in FPS games.
  6. I totally forgot about AdventureQuest - I haven't played it about 15 years. They always had armor releases and new content and updates every week without fail.
  7. After a while, I have to stop downloading updates for recent COD games because of how much space they take up on my hard drives.
  8. When Red Dead Redemption two came out for the Xbox One, I got it for $54 which was a 10% discount at launch. That's the most I remember spending on any game.
  9. I was playing CS:GO and threw a frag grenade that ricocheted off two walls and dropped right behind me and my team and it pretty much killed us all. I'm not going to lie, I laughed pretty hard when I saw the replay.
  10. Lootboxes are basically gambling but they can't label it as such or else they'd come under legal implications for promoting gambling to minors. Also, they'd have to follow the regulations that gambling industry does.
  11. When I was a kid, I had one but I just don't remember what game it was. I used to play it all the time though...
  12. The multiplayer version is pretty terrible and I'm not talking about the gameplay for the most part. This kind of weird exp system is underwhelming and the hackers need to be properly dealt with.
  13. Their maybe a few hear and there but I hope it isn't a regular occurrence because games that are made off of movies/series tend to suck most of the time and get really repetitive after a short period of time.
  14. They spend more money and resources trying to take your money than actually providing a solid experience. This is why I'm very skeptical about any games they're releasing and waiting until they actually launched because I've saved myself from tons of disappointment.
  15. I wonder how much it's worth right now - that must be worthy thousands of dollars at least. I'd prefer if they stored it in some kind of museum.
  16. They need to ban all the hackers - Microsoft has millions of dollars and the infrastructure to address an issue like this. I hope they don't turn off crossplay...
  17. We'd have to know a bit more details before I can make any kind of judgement but it must've been very serious for them to sue him for that amount. Well - perhaps not. People and companies in the US sue for all kinds of stupid reasons.
  18. It's much better companies take their time and properly remake a game than ending up with what Rockstar gave us which was the GTA definitive edition.
  19. Finally, some mature titles for the Nintendo Switch - I like what I see so far. It has a bit of a Resident Evil with a mix of Doom sprinkled on top.
  20. I'm definitely not buying this - it's a horrible remake and Rockstar should be ashamed of themselves for releasing such a crappy remake of the original games. How do you screw up a remake this badly? This is something EA would typically do...
  21. It does give off the Rick and Morty vibes which is a great thing. It looks like a unique game that I'd play. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't stop laughing.
  22. I'll play the actual games from that era because of nostalgia but I'm not a fan of people making 8-bit games in the year 2021. It's underwhelming in my opinion.
  23. I'm not sure if that's the actual gameplay - that looks like strictly a trailer. I'm not sure what to make of it as a bird with a sword slaying monsters isn't exactly that exciting.
  24. I do like the graphical details and the platforming looks pretty entertaining. I'd like to see some of the combat if it has any.
  25. Warframe is a pretty old game that's been out almost a decade. I think this is the new content release...
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