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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Agreed - everything in this world deserves to live the way they want as long as it's not affecting another's way of life.
  2. If you want to know how cats would act towards us just take a look at their bigger cousins like tigers. Cats have the same instinct to sneak up and jump you from behind among other stuff.
  3. I agree that coughing is by far the more annoying one as you literally have to stop what you're doing to address it. Especially, when it's continuous with no end in sight.
  4. Those are awesome socks - I'm going to have to get a sign with that exact message and put it at my gate so that nobody bothers me...
  5. Damn - the robots are already blending with our kind - time to get out my super powerful magnet...
  6. Without reading, I wouldn't be able to accomplish anything - I'd much rather losing my speaking ability as there are other ways to communicate.
  7. We don't really celebrate Thanksgiving in our country so it'll be just like any other day for us. Although, I should probably check if any local hotels have an all-you-can-eat buffet deal for that day so I can go stuff my face.
  8. My parents got me into martial arts because I was very unruly as a kid and they thought it'd teach me discipline but all it did was teach me how to beat the crap out of people with proper form. In general, I don't go looking for trouble either but I won't hesitate to defend myself.
  9. This is absolutely hilarious especially the way the guy screamed in the first one...
  10. To be honest, it depends on cultural legends. In some cultures, they're Gods - in other's they evolved from lizards and in others, they're magical beings so it's very conflicting if you ask me.
  11. Fair play lol I don't think I could - there's something special about skin on skin action that androids will never be able to replicate.
  12. Magic has the potential to be reality warping depending on the person's skill so Magic goes way beyond futuristic discovery.
  13. I'd much rather losing the second ability because why would you want to believe everything you're told?
  14. Aikido is something I'd be interested in learning. I did Shotokan as a kid and it does teach you proper form but Aikido is a good defensive art to learn.
  15. Youtube is rather inconsistent when it comes to these kinds of things so they might taken down one channel for an infringement while another may be completely ignored. YouTube policies don't make sense and it'd be foolish for me to try and and explain it...
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