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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. They just choose not to fix them because most Fifa players seem to not really care and don't really complain about it so why would they? All that matters to them is that FUT is working perfectly so they can get your money.
  2. Conceptually, it's a great game with a pretty good storyline but the execution is really what killed it followed by all the things that happened post-launch really destroyed its reputation.
  3. Which F1 game are you playing? I've been looking for one recently...
  4. That's why it's best to research who you're buying stuff from online before you actually spend the money...
  5. Sometimes, I'll attempt very ridiculous challenges just to spice up my experience with any game such as completing the game using a fork as a weapon (I've actually done that in Skyrim).
  6. Currently, it's a Nintendo DS that I haven't even played once just sitting in one of my drawers.
  7. I've never had any interest at all in FUT...
  8. I know they're planning to introduce android app support for Windows. In addition to that, Machines with AMD Ryzen processors are still experiencing a drop in performance so we have to wait on a patch from Microsoft as well as one from AMD.
  9. Yeah - I bought it on Cyber Monday in the US when there are plenty of deals on all kinds of electronics.
  10. I just did the test and it says I'm an explorer lol: You are 73% Explorer What Bartle says: ♠ Explorers delight in having the game expose its internal machinations to them. They try progressively esoteric actions in wild, out-of-the-way places, looking for interesting features (ie. bugs) and figuring out how things work. Scoring points may be necessary to enter some next phase of exploration, but it's tedious, and anyone with half a brain can do it. Killing is quicker, and might be a constructive exercise in its own right, but it causes too much hassle in the long run if the deceased return to seek retribution. Socialising can be informative as a source of new ideas to try out, but most of what people say is irrelevant or old hat. The real fun comes only from discovery, and making the most complete set of maps in existence. You are also: 60% Killer 40% Achiever 27% Socialiser
  11. Same here - it looks much cooler fighting with 2 swords but it's not beneficial in a fight.
  12. MK Trilogy is the game that came after Mortal Kombat 2. THat's the series where we got characters like Sektor, Noob Saibot, Rain, NightWolf, and others.
  13. Yeah - We may see the emergence of another Football game that may just challenge Fifa and take PES spot.
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