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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Personally, I'm fine with whatever persona the protagonist has as long as they're well-written.
  2. The original Broken Sword story was very simplistic at its core but well-written and the way how the plot twists were introduced was amazing to say the least.
  3. Hasn't happened to me in almost a decade. I always make sure to have more than enough space so as to futureproof my devices. The only game I dread is COD just because of how much space every update takes up.
  4. As long as it's well placed and doesn't have an annoying pop up constantly reminding you it's there, I wouldn't mind it at all.
  5. It's a fear most of us have and it causes us to stockpile resources. It's called being prepared and no one likes to be unprepared for an event.
  6. Hmmm...This is a challenging one. With Walker from Spec Ops, I was a bit more sympathetic because I'm aware of PTSD in soldiers and it can make them do some pretty crazy stuff if left unchecked.
  7. Dark Souls can't be paused. Even if you press the pause button the gaming world still continues as normal.
  8. Just Cause 3 and 4, the left for dead series and Watchdog Legion are somewhat short open-world games with lots of action and intensity and with lots to do.
  9. I've never really participated in an online E-sports competition - at least an official one before. You'd definitely have to make some changes for competitions - that much I'm sure.
  10. Both are pretty useful in their own way. Video game reviews show you a video of what to expect as well - Video essays put that more into a word format so a gamer can choose whichever they prefer.
  11. Unless I'm playing a game in a completely different language, I don't turn on closed captioning because the huge words on the screen are distracting to me.
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