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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. That's how this world is run - this isn't something exclusive to the US. This is everywhere in the world.
  2. Another screwup by they devs of Marvel's Avengers - the game is dying a painful death by all accounts:
  3. Nintendo and the online services thing has definitely been a hit and miss thing over the years - well mostly miss and here's a perfect example. Sometimes, I'm baffled by the way Nintendo does things. What are your thoughts on this?
  4. Update video: it seems that Dbrand has launched new PS5 black plates with brand new design:
  5. You see - this is why you never poke the bear. Dbrand has now had to remove their black PS5 plates after facing legal threats from Sony. They were really talking a big game too and it backfired big time. What are your thoughts about this?
  6. That does sound hilarious but wouldn't surprise me in the least. Some of the most bizarre bugs are usually in Fifa games.
  7. That's not greedy - do you know how hard it is playing games everyday and having fun?🤣
  8. Yeah and it's pretty hard to recognize when you have a gaming addiction because there aren't really any standards when it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of gaming addiction.
  9. Very good analogy - you really have to savor the experience.
  10. A.I. followers operate on a particular code so they base all their actions based on that code and not necessarily what you need which makes them useless except in very rare circumstances.
  11. In recent years, Assassin's Creed has fallen off in terms of quality and overall experience. In addition to that, Ubisoft started implementing more aggressive micro transaction systems in the more recent games.
  12. Lol - don't worry. That's to be expected - It does have a pretty steep learning curve. I felt the same way playing monster hunter when I was younger.
  13. I've hardly had to repair anything and it was usually always the controllers with analog stick drifting or something to that effect...
  14. It's true - it wasn't until the PS2 that analog support for games was really pushed. On the PS1, most of the games I primarily played with D-pad.
  15. Throw in Ghost of Tsushima in there as well - I'd like to see a PC version of this game launched because it has great action and is full of details.
  16. Jeff and his management team are the ones really profiting from all of this. The workers hardly make anything and are subject to very harsh working conditions.
  17. The devs weren't the ones that made this decision though. It was their management so they deserve all the criticism they'll get.
  18. I agree - they had poor legal advice because no sensible entity would've advised them to proceed.
  19. Yep and governments still carry out this practice arming known terrorists to do their dirty work.
  20. Steam does have a similar function somewhat. Personally, I don't even pay that much attention to it.
  21. The game that really disappointed me the most in recent years is Cyberpunk 2077. After all the hype built up over several years. The game just fell flat on it's face.
  22. Sometimes, I'll even name the character after things in different languages like latin constellations and stuff like that.
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