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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. That's why I do adequate research before buying any game and also don't buy games on launch day. It saves me from a very disappointing experience if the game turns out to be crap.
  2. I agree - back in the day, value for money used to be the industry standard. Nowadays, most games are like a huge money pit that has no end.
  3. Well of course COD and Battlefield have to both be on top of their game - if one slips up the other will totally dominate and neither company wants to be the loser.
  4. And besides, why should they keep supporting a 7 year old game that nobody hardly plays anymore?
  5. The airport is the basis on which we can get from one part of the world to another in 1-2 days max. Without it, we'd have to go by sea which has its own set of horrors and takes weeks.
  6. And most of them got off because they knew how to exploit the loopholes in the tax system plus they have the best lawyers so were acquitted.
  7. Also there's knockout city by EA and maybe CS:GO as well. You can always get a quick deathmatch in.
  8. VR feels very disorientating as of right now - I just don't quite enjoy it.
  9. You can check out this thread and the videos posted under it: and this one as well:
  10. That's the case with EA and Deadspace - they didn't even mention it for almost a decade and then suddenly they want to remake it this year. It's a very unethical practice.
  11. Yes - Ubisoft already announced earlier this year that they'll be jumping on the F2P bandwagon as well starting with Assassin's creed. That's why there was such an uproar when they said it.
  12. Same here - games are wonderful but letting it become an addiction will hinder your progress in life.
  13. That is true - our love for videogames is what keeps us playing them.
  14. You should stick with that strategy - trust me when I tell you that pre-ordering just isn't worth it in most cases. You'll be ripped off in most instances.
  15. Yep - when you hear some of their parents, you can't help but feel pity for that teen because his parents are worse than him.
  16. That's good to hear - it's the same situation with me. I have another Xbox series X controller stashed away so that I can use it if necessary.
  17. It also depends on the level of the storytelling because if it is compelling and well thought out, I won't mind it all.
  18. Nope - most of us have played it but it gets old pretty quickly and with the hackers and bots, it's an even more unbearable experience.
  19. I simultaneously love and hate playing Alien isolation at night - it's ridiculously terrifying to play so much so that the slightest sound sets of your paranoia but it's also a ridiculously immersive experience.
  20. What I came away with is sometimes we have to look at the bigger picture or we will fall prey to our delusions.
  21. It takes time for some people to really get into GTA because all they ever heard about it was the carjacking, shootouts with police and beating up npcs when in the game is about way more than that. It's the little interactions in-game especially with npcs that make it so enjoyable.
  22. You have things like steam game launcher where you can have the games there ready to download and play but I choose not to with some games because I haven't gotten around to it.
  23. It's all about profit for them - making the game fun for its clients comes last on the scale. They have to appease their shareholders - they don't really care that much about the people that play their games as long as they spend their money.
  24. That's true - most developers nowadays have become very lazy and just re-use game assets and a generic storyline with generic gameplay and call it something "revolutionary".
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